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Questions tagged [legacy-opengl]

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2 answers

Can I "recreate" vendor-specific OpenGL extensions?

For example: I have an AMD graphics card, can I "recreate" Nvidia's OpenGL extensions? And vice versa? By "recreate" I mean to write my implementation in some way. In general, how ...
deaqsly's user avatar
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1 answer

OpenGL old-style diffuse shading producing unexpected effects

Question: What is going wrong with the shape of the contours of constant illumination in the below picture ? Detail: Although Lambertian shading might be ill-regarded because it exposes the hard edges ...
Simon's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

How to convert a 3D model into an OpenGL fixed pipeline representation

I have a CAD model in Solidworks (which can be converted to STL, OBJ, STEP , VRML etc.) that I need to render in an old application, which still uses fixed pipeline. Ideally, I would like to convert ...
mallwright's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Fonts rendered through textures look thinned

I'm rendering fonts using Cairo to surfaces, convert those surfaces to RGBA textures and then display them on GL_QUADS using orthotogonal projection and alpha blending. When I use Cairo to render ...
Jonas Mechtheim's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Fast clipping without clearing stencil buffer

I'm writing an OpenGL application that runs on a Raspberry Pi, i.e., a quite resource-limited system. Essentially, a few quads with RGBA textures are overlayed/alpha blended on top of each other with ...
Jonas Mechtheim's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Why do we multiply vertex from left side in vertex shader with matrices?

I have been learning OpenGL 3.3 and I saw this expression: gl_Position = projection * view * model * vertex I am confused because I read in some book that if the ...
videogamechef's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

What if we don't mention Modelview and projection matrix?

So I've been learning opengl for some weeks now and managed to understand all the viewing pipelines. As far my understanding goes we need to bring the object to world space and then the world space to ...
Broskiee's user avatar
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Background behind 3D model

I have object loader, which i want to have background. I tried to put jpg image like texture to my application. I tried to make that with FreeImage library, but the image didn't show. Also i tried ...
I.To's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

OpenGL Vertex - Texture Mapping

I have a mesh loaded by an obj file (wavefront), complete with normals and texture coordinates per face, and its relative texture available. In my C++ / OpenGL code (assignment for a computer graphics ...
phagio's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Texture rendering in OpenGL

I know there are tons of questions about it, but I found nothing useful so far so, here I am. I'm trying to render a texture which is attached to a wavefront .obj mesh. I continued to fail (somehow, ...
phagio's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Why different result when change input order in GL_LINES?

Code: ...
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