Download the Data

Download the data that appear on the College Scorecard, as well as supporting data on student completion, debt and repayment, earnings, and more.

This data was last updated June 13, 2024.

All Data Files Download (.zip, 390 MB)

  • Institution-level data files for 1996-97 through 2022-23 containing aggregate data for each institution. Includes information on institutional characteristics, enrollment, student aid, costs, and student outcomes.
  • Field of study-level data files for the pooled 2014-15, 2015-16 award years through the pooled 2018-19, 2019-20 award years containing data at the credential level and 4-digit CIP code combination for each institution. Includes information on cumulative debt at graduation and earnings one year after graduation.
  • Crosswalk files for 2000-01 through 2022-23 that link the Department’s OPEID with an IPEDS UNITID for each institution.

Most Recent Institution-Level Data

Download (.zip, 22 MB)

Most Recent Data by Field of Study

Download (.zip, 13 MB)

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