If there is no god from where does spiritual feeling came from

This question asks (emphasis mine):

I can't differentiate if spiritual feeling is because of my childhood memory or is genetically embedded in me.

I think the field cognitive science of religion can answer this, or at least has some frameworks to attempt to answer this. From the link:

Scholars in this field seek to explain how human minds acquire, generate, and transmit religious thoughts, practices, and schemas by means of ordinary cognitive capacities.

So I think the question is on-topic. What do you think?

How to measure the correlation between "spirituality" and the susceptibility to false memories?
If restructuring question's body can set a new expectation on the readers, and thus making it clearer to be on-topic, should this be done?

2 Answers 2


Questions about the cognitive origins of spirituality are on-topic. Questions about the behavior of an individual are off-topic.

The quoted part, as well as the rest of the question, are clearly about the poster (emphasis mine):

I can't differentiate if spiritual feeling is because of my childhood memory or is genetically embedded in me.

I can see how this question could be rephrased to apply more generally. Feel free to edit it accordingly if you would like to see it reopened.

  • 1
    I think the note part of the OP negates any assumption that the question is about their personal experience
    – Ooker
    Commented Aug 1, 2019 at 7:27
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    @Ooker In addition, we require some initial research, which the linked question is also lacking.
    – Steven Jeuris Mod
    Commented Aug 23, 2019 at 11:34
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    @StevenJeuris yes, but it should be closed as lacking of research, not as off-topic. We do have that notice, iirc
    – Ooker
    Commented Aug 23, 2019 at 11:55
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    @Ooker In the end, I closed as duplicate, which should always have preference if you ask me. In that same answer I also argue that 'self-help' is overused and 'not framed in' should be preferred. The 'self-help' close reason almost always results in users saying 'but I don't seek help', or 'I am already seeking help', disregarding the "single individual" part. Maybe we should rewrite the close reasons and include 'single individual' in 'not framed in' and focus 'self-help' solely on help seekers.
    – Steven Jeuris Mod
    Commented Aug 23, 2019 at 11:57
  • 2
    I don't think it's typically worth bickering over why a question is closed, often the reasons overlap a bit. The exception might be closing as duplicate which I agree is always preferable when appropriate.
    – Bryan Krause Mod
    Commented Aug 23, 2019 at 14:32

I don't think it is off-topic. Indeed god gene is a thing. It has been proposed that the ability to have believe in god or supernature, has a genetic or molecular basis.

god gene distribution

Localisation of expression site for VMAT-2. its variation has been linked to the phenotype of having believe or faith in god. animated image from Wikipedia having this Wikimedia description page and URL. Converted to GIF using. I accidentally forgot which web app i used to convert OGG-> GIF if i can find it again on google search result i'll upload.

Spirituality comes into psychology in another context; why some people become atheists. Surprisingly a deficiency in social norms understanding, such as Aspergers' syndrome, seen to have a corelation with atheism. seeing purpose behind nature's act has been considered by some people to be a by-product of social cognition (pdf). On a small scale study, Bethany T. Heywood found aspergers tended to respond in a way that their reasoning for rationalistic explanation is more inherent or natural, whereas a neurotypical atheist participant group seemed to be in fight against teleological response to arrive at the rationalistic explanation. (Related: “Meant to be”: how religious beliefs and cultural religiosity affect the implicit bias to think teleologically). It has been a debate that whether autism leads to atheism.

Apart from pathological evidence; an excellent National Geographic documentary, Question the Herd, belonging to the Brain game series, excellently explains Social conformity, herd behaviour, and why they receive evolutionary advantages, and what are its downsides. Theism is sometimes linked with herd behaviour.

Also there has been researches like this that deals with how the concepts of god and supernature originated and spread.

These type of discussions belong to the domain of hardcore neurology, psychology and psychiatry. And should get place for discussion.

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