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Alexander Ivanchenko's user avatar
Alexander Ivanchenko's user avatar
Alexander Ivanchenko
  • Member for 3 months
  • Last seen this week
8 votes

Snail matrix in Java

8 votes

Euler - Largest Palindrome Product in Java

8 votes

A thread-safe performant URL Shortener in Java

7 votes

Advent of code 2023 day 5 in Java: mapping integer ranges to new integer ranges

6 votes

Stack - implementation in Java

6 votes

A chess engine in Java: generating white pawn moves - take II

6 votes

Java: Benchmark findFirst() and findAny() methods on non-parallel streams

5 votes

Simple Java Command-line Checkers Game

5 votes

Snail matrix in Java - version II

5 votes

Simple load balancer

4 votes

Filtering out empty Optionals

4 votes

Finding the longest string and its length using Java streams

4 votes

In Java, replace for loop with condition with lambdas

4 votes

Leetcode: Number of Islands - BFS (Queue vs Recursion)

4 votes

Leetcode - First Unique Character in a String

3 votes

an algorithm that chooses the best games on steam

3 votes

Password checker using Decorator Pattern

3 votes

Simple Example of an Iterable and an Iterator in Java

3 votes

Duplicate words in a text

2 votes

Printing longest sequence of zeroes

2 votes

Sequencing Collector for Either

2 votes

Write a collection of lines, with no newline at end of file