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Questions tagged [lambda]

Use this tag if you would like to discuss the appropriateness of a lambda (anonymous) function in your code.

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A recursive_replace_copy_if Template Function with Unwrap Level Implementation in C++

This is a follow-up question for A recursive_replace_copy_if Template Function Implementation in C++. I am trying to implement recursive_replace_copy_if template ...
JimmyHu's user avatar
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In Java, replace for loop with condition with lambdas [closed]

I want to replace a for loop with a break/return condition inside with a lambda. I think I have a good replacement, but I want ...
Oscar Besga Panel's user avatar
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Find Method Implementation for Multidimensional Array in C#

I found that Array.Find(T[], Predicate) Method is only support one dimensional array. I am trying to generalize it to multi-dimensional array in this post. The experimental implementation The ...
JimmyHu's user avatar
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Portable lambda emulation in C

For fun I decided to try to emulate lambda functions in plain old C. It turns out it can be easily done with a bit of macro abuse. CLambda struct stores function ...
KlemenPl's user avatar
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Find all line numbers of prefix duplicates with streams

All line indices of lines from a text that begin with the same line prefix should be found. The prefixes and the corresponding line numbers should be returned. Streams and lambdas should be used as ...
Tobias Grothe's user avatar
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2 answers

Add offset to all filenames

From all the files in a directory, the method shiftFilenamesOffset is to increment the numeric part (int) of the alphanumeric filename by offset each time, and ...
Tobias Grothe's user avatar
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Lazy evaluation vs strict one applied to fib

I have this OCaml problem: Recall the polymorphic type lazy seen in class, the function delay which transforms a ...
V_head's user avatar
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Print columns of text without hard coding the width (attempt 5)

If you'd like to print this: ...
candied_orange's user avatar
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3 answers

Print columns of text without hard coding the width (attempt 4)

If you'd like to print this: One Two Three Four 1 2 3 4 using this: ...
candied_orange's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Print columns of text without hard coding the width (attempt 2)

If you'd like to print this: One Two Three Four 1 2 3 4 using this: ...
candied_orange's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

2D Matrix in C++

I wanted to play with a two-dimensional generic data container in C++ and explore different methods of traversals: using closures and iterators. I'd like a review of it. ...
nowox's user avatar
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Finger Exercise: Update book cipher by creating new book

I'm working my way through the finger exercises in John Guttag's book Introduction to Python Programming, third edition. The following finger exercise on page 143 describes encryption/decryption with ...
Wolric's user avatar
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Compute the goals scored by football teams in their matches in a season, from json data

Please look at the Java Stream methods in the for each loop. This method totals the score for when the your desired team is playing during the football season - input param teamKey - it is either ...
user2102346's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Print sums of pairs from 1 to 10

This takes the sum of pairs of numbers from 1 to 10 and outputs the sum, the original numbers, and some connecting text. Output: intArray.length 10 {Sum of + 1 and 2 =3, Sum of + 3 and 4 =7, Sum of +...
Tathagat Pandey's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Meta Collatz Sequence

Context Chapter 6 of Learn You A Haskell contains a function called chain, which outputs the Collatz sequence of a given input. (In short, it takes a natural number....
Jessica's user avatar
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