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2 votes

another first tic-tac-toe game

Returning true and false In your generate win conditions function, instead of returning true or false if the condition evaluates ...
Linny's user avatar
  • 10.3k
2 votes

First tic tac toe game. want to see if valid or needs improvement

Start Over Start from scratch. You need to build a sense of the big picture of coding Tic-Tac-Toe. That perspective serves for any coding project. The before and after will give you insight that ...
radarbob's user avatar
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4 votes

First tic tac toe game. want to see if valid or needs improvement

I have a few suggestions, but I'll just mention two. I would recommend defining the game board as just a 3 by 3 array containing only X, O, or blank. The way you've coded it here makes easy to print ...
ApexPolenta's user avatar

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