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Code written using version 1 of the AngularJS open-source JavaScript framework. Use 'angular-2+' for code using later versions.

AngularJS is an open-source JavaScript framework for building CRUD centric AJAX style web applications. Its goal is to shim the browser to augment the HTML vocabulary with directives useful for building dynamic web-apps.

The Angular philosophy is that UI is best described in declarative form (HTML), and that behavior is best described in imperative form (JavaScript) and that the two should never meet.

Notable features

  • Teach your browser new tricks by adding behavior to HTML tags/attributes
  • Controllers provide code-behind DOM with clear separation from the view
  • 2-way data binding without the need to extend or wrap the model objects
  • Dependency injection assembles the application without 'main' method
  • Promises / futures remove many callbacks from code when communicating with server
  • Form validation
  • Strong focus on testability



Asking a question

  • Reduce your issue to a small example
  • Post a reduced working code on or
  • Don't know how? Clone one of these existing jsfiddles

Getting Started

Developed by Google