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Questions tagged [set]

A set is a collection in which no element is repeated, which may be able to enumerate its elements according to an ordering criterion (an "ordered set") or retain no order (an "unordered set").

9 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Substitute for `std::array::operator[]` in C++11 by using template-based recursion

What follows is a simplified version of a tentative implementation for a template-based set, named TemplateArgs. For the sake of clarity and focus on the question ...
Flávio Lisbôa's user avatar
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Conways Game of Life using unordered set of coordinates

Previously I had been using an array of bool(dead/live) to represent cells. I looked on code review to see how other people have implemented Conway's Game of Life. Someone in the comments of a post ...
dylan's user avatar
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Set-like Operation in C - Advent of Code 2021 Day 3

I am relatively new to C programming and am currently completeing challenges of Advent of Code 2021 to elevate my skills. I am excited to share my solution for the puzzle on Day 3 and am eager to ...
Noob-in-C's user avatar
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Solving Exact Cover by Three Products in Python

I'm a computer-science hobbyist and found an NP-complete problem that is similar to both subset-product and Exact Cover by 3-sets. Here is a Reduction of Exact-Cover into my problem. I am multiplying ...
The T's user avatar
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Spellchecker program is having issues due to vowel checking method

This program takes in a list of 275k or so words from '/usr/share/dict/words' and loads them into HashSet. It then takes in a list of 1000 words (taken from the dictionary and are scrambled (vowel ...
user131364's user avatar
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Countable and uncountable sets in .NET (set operators, demo)

Up-to-date version: IEnumerable and Predicate Sets in .NET (Complete, Explained). Previously: Countable and uncountable sets in .NET (clean version). Disclaimer: Please do not interpret my attempts ...
Dmitry Nogin's user avatar
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An AVL-tree based order statistic tree in Java

I have this java.util.Set implementation that is based on AVL-trees, which implies that the set is sorted. However, it provides two additional operations: ...
coderodde's user avatar
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A simple Java integer hash set - follow-up

(See the previous version.) (See the next version.) After incorporating changes in the previous post, I came up with this implementation. However, I left hashing as it is. ...
coderodde's user avatar
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Set operations on a tree / Hierarchical set class

Initially, I posted this question on StackOverflow. I wanted to know if there's an existing library that implements the concept I have in mind, which is the following. I want to define a hierarchy/...
Hlib Babii's user avatar