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Questions tagged [powerpoint]

PowerPoint is a Windows and Macintosh presentation program produced by Microsoft.

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Walk a folder of files and extract creation date, countries mentioned and a summary based on their text for each

I made a script that scans a folder of 723 documents (pdf, pptx, docx) to extract the 'Name', 'Type', 'NbPages', 'Creation Date', 'Period Date', 'Countries', 'Summary', 'Indicateurs', 'Path'. I think ...
Revolucion for Monica's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Excel VBA to powerpoint

I am basically looking for a way to trim below code. It works just fine. This code takes a range from each tab of an excel spreadsheet and pastes it into a powerpoint file, then assigns a title to ...
Sorab's user avatar
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Sub that calls itself when its parent Workbook is closed

and no, I'm not talking about Workbook_BeforeClose. Note that the motivation of this question is Excel specific but the technique I'd like feedback on is not. If ...
GWD's user avatar
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Reliably setting keys in Windows Registry for a VBA addin

We have a PowerPoint VBA addin which is installed using an MSI installer written with WIX (Windows Installer XML). For the addin to be picked up (for all users) by PowerPoint, name-value pairs need to ...
neilt17's user avatar
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3 votes
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Batch Insert Figures Into Powerpoint Slides with VBA

I have a series of images ("1.bmp", "2.bmp", "3.bmp",... ,"30.bmp" in "F:\Images" folder) and I am trying to insert these images one by one into ...
JimmyHu's user avatar
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Add Default Rubberduck VBA Folder Annotation to VBProject.VBComponents

Currently Rubberduck VBA files all the VBProject VBComponents in that do not have a Folder Annotation in a Folder named after the VBProject. It can be time consuming to manually organize the ...
TinMan's user avatar
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9 votes
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VBA - new built-in enumerations and backwards compatibility

msoGraphic is an MsoShapeType enumeration that is available in Office PowerPoint 2016 and later (versions which can handle svg graphics). If you attempt to check an MsoShapeType against msoGraphic in ...
neilt17's user avatar
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Pulling substrings from a CSV string without knowing position

My task is to copy data from an Excel sheet into charts on PowerPoint slides. To minimize the interactions between the two, I have an Excel macro insert the data for each slide into that slide's Notes ...
Shawn V. Wilson's user avatar
4 votes
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Extract data labels from a chart in PowerPoint to Excel

Would like to check if anyone here is able to simplify the following code. What it does: Extract data labels value from a chart in powerpoint to excel. ...
Gerald Tow's user avatar
1 vote
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Open Excel, grab information, store it locally and close Excel

I finished the first part of my code that is run from PowerPoint. The steps it takes are: Open Excel file specified Choose correct tab that has an existing ...
Pinlop's user avatar
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Find and Replace on PowerPoint Charts with Excel Sheets

This will Search through all slides and shapes until it finds a chart, if it's not a Pie chart then it will open up the ActiveWorkbook behind that Chart then it will check the sheet for words in ...
Pinlop's user avatar
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Update PowerPoint graphs from Excel file

Pinlop's user avatar
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Creating a PowerPoint in vba by calling "slide" subroutines

I am creating a powerpoint in VBA, but there are a lot of slides in it. I was thinking I could create a macro that calls a lot of subroutines. Within those subroutines, the actual "slide code" would ...
Jack Armstrong's user avatar
5 votes
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Process PowerPoint XML

I run a tiny open source project to help create speech aids for disabled people (the GitHub is here). One of the things that is useful is for people to design speech setups in Powerpoint, and then ...
Joe's user avatar
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