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Questions tagged [locking]

Locking allows different types of resources to be locked by a transaction.

2 votes
3 answers

Simple rwlock implementation in C

Can someone please review my rwlock implementation to see if there are any issues with correctness (hopefully not), give any feedback on how to write good C code etc, design patterns which could be ...
Tejas Anand's user avatar
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Synchronisation access to a shared class in Python server with async/await

Last week I wrote a simple server on FastApi to run ML model to classify a text on Chinese (split text on separate words). When I had clarified work of this model with API, it became time to confirm ...
Gleichmut's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Distributed lock system using AWS S3

I need a distributed lock system for a service I'm writing. (There can be multiple instances of this service running at a time, and I need to make sure that only one instance does a particular cron ...
threed's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Lock Guard Atomic alternative

I've recently written a Vulkan library for creating 2D applications with ease. The catch was I need std::lock_guard for my window resize event to resize resources ...
FatalSleep's user avatar
1 vote
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Dart Non-Reentrant Async Lock

This class synchronizes access to an async resource. If retainFutureErrors is false, it will keep retrying until there is a success. Otherwise, the ...
Christian Findlay's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Basic RAII spinlock class

I have written the following class that acts as a simple lock for mutual exclusion: ...
digito_evo's user avatar
0 votes
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php flock with timeout (for LOCK_SH / LOCK_EX )

i want a flock with timeout, unfortunately i haven't found a good way to implement it (like a signaled timeout on an actual blocking request?), so i'm just trying and sleeping until success or timeout,...
hanshenrik's user avatar
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1 answer

C++20 simple RwSeqLock

I recently discovered the atomic wait/notify mechanism in C++20 and wrote this readers-writer lock in the style of Linux kernel Seqlock. Writes have to be inside a lock/unlock, while reads are ...
MDH's user avatar
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7 votes
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C++ mutex-like class using std::condition_variable

On a project I'm working on, I have a need for a mutual-exclusion primitive behaving like std::mutex or std::recursive_mutex, ...
Macmade's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Distributed lock service implementation in Golang

I have multiple E2E tests (written in Java) which share login details, each test during runtime will query the locker API for login details which is running on its own dedicated server. Below is my ...
Pawan Kumar's user avatar
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1 answer

Data Wrapper Class with Automatic Saving and Locked Read/Write Accessors

This is a wrapper for a synchronized data structure that: Saves periodically Keeps track of dirty flag automatically (set when a write access is requested) Maintains a lock on data Only allows access ...
CaptainCodeman's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

C# lock on string value

Our codebase is full of locks such as: lock("Something." + var) { .... } This causes issues due to strings not meant to be used in locks in this way. ...
Tom Gullen's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Least Recently Used Cache with TTL

I found this problem in a book and found it interesting. wrote this class to implement a Least Recently Used Cache with TTL. Goal - LRU cache with TTL Multithreaded. Functions: Get(key), Put(key,...
user1429322's user avatar
15 votes
2 answers

Block-free priority lock

Background I wanted to write an event loop that supports scheduling, but found that no implementation of priority queue that I know of supports waiting on a condition variable (the idea is that the ...
Incomputable's user avatar
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Simple folder/file lock handler

I have two python scripts (or one bash script + one python script) which are working independently from another, one script puts data into a folder, the other one reads from it. Since I don't want to ...
Matty's user avatar
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