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Questions tagged [http]

For code that acts as a HTTP client or server.

4 votes
1 answer

Writing a HTTP server in C

Code ...
Dang Quang Vinh's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

A simple local API proxy

Recently I needed to support someone who wanted to ingest some data from on of our API's but had tooling that struggled with the authentication bit. While I'm sure there are some off-the-shelf ...
ChrisWue's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Reading a date from the start of a text webpage from github to determine if the program is fully updated

my_stack_exchange_account's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Get HTTP status of many URLs

I'm brand new to using rust, so please bear with me. I'm trying to write a rust program which takes two arguments: A URL, and a wordlist. This wordlist has the following contents, and is several ...
TmDobbin's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

HTTP Request-Line parser

I am trying to write an HTTP/1.0 (RFC 1945) parser in C, so I started with the Request-Line. Ideally, the parser should return one of the three: The request is valid. The request is malformed, but ...
Schilive's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Small HTTP client/SDK created using libcurl in C language

I created a SDK in C for my Rust project (a key value store in Rust). It should give access to the HTTP routes in a simple manner. (I never worked with C outside of university.) I used: ...
Auyer's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

URL healthcheck script

Task: develop a CLI utility for HTTP Health check at a given URL. The check is performed in a cycle with a specified interval. On each iteration of the HTTP GET activity on the given URL. There are ...
mascai's user avatar
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Calculate total running time for movie series

Which of these 2 functions is better and more readable and why? (Both functions do the same thing). My goal is to get the total time of a series, using the TMDB API (which has a limit of 20 different ...
jofyavoydo's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

HTTP routing with Mongoose

I'm trying to extend the Mongoose RESTful server example with URL routing. This code relies on the Mongoose library available here. This is heavily inspired by the routes class from this question but ...
S Meredith's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Open the best Reddit posts with Nim

I wanted to try out the Nim language so I wrote a simple program to retrieve the top \$n\$ messages on a given subreddit in a given time frame and open them in the default browser. I would really ...
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3 votes
0 answers

System to automatically login to my university's Wi-Fi network using HTTP request

What is this? My university's Wi-Fi network requires students to visit a specific URL and login to the network before we can use the actual internet. This project replicates that same process by ...
eccentricOrange's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

HttpClient retry handler on response 429

When the remote server returns a 429 (Too Many Requests) response with the Retry-After header, the HttpClient can handle such cases with a handler: ...
sDima's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

PHP readfile() with 304 Not Modified and HTTP 206 Partial Content support: httpreadfile

I wanted a readfile with 304 Not Modified and 206 Partial Content support, I think i got right, but probably spent way more effort on error-checking than worthwhile.. Also I didn't develop it by ...
hanshenrik's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Object to make GET, POST, PUT and DELETE requests

I am trying to build an object that group all methods to make http GET, POST, PUT, DELETE requests with fetch API. I would like to accept objects and formData without having to specify the content ...
osvabr's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Python script that pulls in and display a random xkcd comic

This script is supposed to download query xkcd json interface, find the total number of comics till date, pick a random number in that range, use the xkcd json interface again to find the comic image ...
Jonathan Wick's user avatar

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