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Questions tagged [android]

Android is Google's software stack for mobile devices. For non-developer questions, see

6 votes
1 answer

Database interaction logic

I have a database-intensive app, almost every activity requires access to the database, both reading and writing. I had a lot of problems with separate threads and activities on the stack closing ...
JonWells's user avatar
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4 votes
5 answers

Three edittext boxes: suggestions to clean up code

I am a newbie at writing Android apps and using Java in general. I have went through most of the Android hello view tutorials but still seem to be lacking some understanding of the basics. Here is a ...
Rick's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How to make a int not be used twice when it randomly generates them? [closed]

I've coded a simple quiz game for Android, and currently Im having troubles with making questions not appear after they've been shown, i.o. I dont want it to ask me the same question twice.. This is ...
John's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Random Q&A system

Basically, I made a simple app for my Android, where it picks a random question for you, and picks specific answers. Only 1 of the answers is correct, while other's aren't. Also, after editing the <...
desicions's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

AsynTask example

As I was trying to demystify the Android AsyncTask functionalities, I wrote this sample app to test it. Please review my code and suggest possible improvements: ...
somenath mukhopadhyay's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Is using java enums to store filepaths good practice

I'm working on an android application, but this is basically plain 'ole java. The aim is to do the right thing and not repeat myself. ...
bluekeys's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Template for creating 2D games

I am using the following template to program my 2D games in. Is there any way I can improve it? Splash screen: ...
DingleNutZ's user avatar
13 votes
5 answers

Remove useless whitespace from styled string

I have a big string resource (basically the "about" text of the application) which contains styles (such as <b>, <a> ...
Felix's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Adding a Fish Eye Distortion to a Bitmap

I have the following class that processes a Bitmap to place a fisheye distortion on it. I've run my app through TraceView and found that virtually all the processing time is spent looping through the ...
turtleboy's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

EPUB reader for Android

How do I improve this code for reading an epub file? The code is as follow: ...
chandan paliwal's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Unit Converter App

Please review this Android UnitConverter App which has been designed using Strategy Pattern. ...
somenath mukhopadhyay's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Specify table data in code, reference objects

Solvek's user avatar
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41 votes
7 answers

Is my code a 'safe' singleton?

I was wondering if my code will produce a true singleton. I am creating an Android app, and all activities should access my API through one instance of the SyncApi ...
jjnguy's user avatar
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34 votes
2 answers

Custom CursorAdapter Design

Here's the code which I use for my Android custom cursor adapter which I use to bind data to my list view. ...
rogerstone's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

How to increase download speed using the following method?

I have written an Android application which downloads pdf files through web service. I am using kSoap2 android library to parse the response of web service which basically contains file name & ...
Shashank_Itmaster's user avatar

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