
Regex parser which follows the following rule

  1. . (dot) means a any single character match
  2. * (star) means 0 or more character match
  3. ? (question) means previous char is an option i.e colou?r matches color and colour.

A large feedback has been taken from here.

I'm looking for code review, optimizations, best practices. I also still get confused with complexity. Let's say regex string has length of m and string has length of n. Then it appears the complexity would be O(n! * (n-1)! * ... (n-m)!)

public final class Regex {

    private Regex() {};

    private static enum Wildcards {
        STAR('*'), DOT('.'), QUESTION('?');

        private final char wildCard;

        Wildcards (char wildCard) {
            this.wildCard = wildCard; 

        public char getWildCard() {
            return this.wildCard;

     * The index of first non-star character following first occurence of star
     * eg: if regex is a**b, then index is startIndex is 1 and return value is 3 (index of b)
     * @param regex          : the regex string.
     * @param firstStarIndex : index of the first occurene of * after a non *, eg: a**b, then starIndex would be 1
     * @return               : the index of first non-star character following first occurence of star
    private static final int getNonWildCardIndex(String regex, int firstQuestionIndex, Wildcards foo) {
        for (int k = firstQuestionIndex; k < regex.length(); k++) {
            if (regex.charAt(k) != foo.getWildCard()) {
                return k;
        return regex.length();

     * A valid wildcard tail is a tail of ?' s and *'s.
     * Its a tail which matches 0 characters
     * @param regex         The input regex
     * @param index         The index from which the wild card check must be initiated.
     * @return  true is the resulting wildcard matches empty string.
    private static final boolean validWildCardTail(String regex, int index) {
        assert regex != null;

        for (int i = index; i < regex.length(); i++) {
            if (regex.charAt(i) !=  Wildcards.QUESTION.getWildCard() && 
                    regex.charAt(i) !=  Wildcards.STAR.getWildCard()) {
                return false;
        return true;

     * Checks if we have scanned the entire string for regex match.
     * If not, it means some characters from strPos in the input string do not match regex.
     * @param str       The input string.
     * @param strPos    The current string index
     * @return  true if entire string has been scanned for regex match.
    private static final boolean endOfStringCheck(String str, int strPos) {
        return str.length() == strPos;

     * Checks if the regex matches matches the empty string. At this point input string has been traversed.
     * Only the regex needs to be travelled to.
     * @param regex       The input regex
     * @param regexPos    The current regex index.
     * @return  true if regex matches the input string
    private static final boolean endOfRegexCheck (String regex, int regexPos) {        
        if (regexPos == regex.length()) return true;

        // example: regex: "colou?",  string: "colou"
        if (regex.charAt(regexPos) == Wildcards.QUESTION.getWildCard() || 
                // example: regex: "colou?", string: "colo" 
                (regexPos < (regex.length() - 1)) && regex.charAt(regexPos + 1) == Wildcards.QUESTION.getWildCard() || 
                        // example: regex: "colo*",  string: "colour"
                    regex.charAt(regexPos) == Wildcards.STAR.getWildCard()) {

            // regex : colou?**.***, string : colou
            // check the  `regexPos + 1 argument`, its very sensible. regixPos is already checked. thus we start check from the next position.
            return validWildCardTail(regex, regexPos + 1);
        } else {
            return false; 

    private static final boolean matcher(String regex, int regexPos, String str, int strPos) {
        assert regexPos >= 0 && regexPos <= regex.length();
        assert strPos >= 0 && strPos <= str.length(); // it should break when its == strPos, > strpos is an impossible condition.

        while ((regexPos < regex.length() && strPos < str.length())) {

            if (regex.charAt(regexPos) == str.charAt(strPos) || regex.charAt(regexPos) == Wildcards.DOT.getWildCard()) {
             *  nested if else is better than non-nested.
             *  http://www.macs.hw.ac.uk/~pjbk/pathways/cpp1/node99.html
            else if (regex.charAt(regexPos) == Wildcards.STAR.getWildCard()) {
                int nextNonStarIndex = getNonWildCardIndex(regex, regexPos,  Wildcards.STAR);

                 * For a case where regex and string, both have not yet reached the last char but regex is all *'s till end.
                 * Eg:  Regext abc*** && String is abcxyz
                if (nextNonStarIndex == regex.length()) return true;

                while (strPos < str.length()) {
                    if (matcher(regex, nextNonStarIndex, str, strPos)) return true;
                    strPos = strPos + 1;

                return false;
            } else {
                // regex  : colou?r
                // string : colour 
                if (regex.charAt(regexPos) == Wildcards.QUESTION.getWildCard()) {
                    return matcher(regex, getNonWildCardIndex(regex, regexPos,  Wildcards.QUESTION), str, strPos);

                // regex: colou?r
                // regex: color
                if (regexPos < (regex.length() - 1) && regex.charAt(regexPos + 1) ==  Wildcards.QUESTION.getWildCard()) {
                    return matcher(regex, getNonWildCardIndex(regex, regexPos + 1,  Wildcards.QUESTION), str, strPos);

                return false;

        return endOfStringCheck(str, strPos) && endOfRegexCheck(regex, regexPos);

     * Matches the regex with the string with the following rules.
     *  *  means 0 or more number of any char matches
     *  .  means just a single any char match.
     *  ?  means the immediate preceding character can exist or not. eg: colour? matches color and colour
     * @param regex  : The regex to match the string again
     * @param str    : The string to be matched.
     * @return       : true / false
    public static final boolean matches(String regex, String str) {
        return matcher(regex, 0, str, 0);

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Assert.assertTrue(Regex.matches("colou?**rs", "colours"));
        Assert.assertTrue(Regex.matches("colou?**rs", "colors"));

        Assert.assertTrue(Regex.matches("colou**?rs", "colours"));
        // Assert.assertTrue(RegexToy.matches("colou**?rs", "colors")); <---- exlusive case.

        Assert.assertTrue(Regex.matches("colou?**r", "colour"));
        Assert.assertTrue(Regex.matches("colou?**r", "color"));

        Assert.assertTrue(Regex.matches("colou?*", "colou"));
        Assert.assertTrue(Regex.matches("colou?*", "colo"));

        Assert.assertTrue(Regex.matches("colou?r", "colour"));
        Assert.assertTrue(Regex.matches("colou?r", "color"));

        Assert.assertTrue(Regex.matches("colou?*?r", "colour"));
        Assert.assertTrue(Regex.matches("colou?*?r", "color"));

        // Success cases
        Assert.assertTrue(Regex.matches("", ""));
        Assert.assertTrue((Regex.matches("***", "")));

        String[] regexList = { "abc****", "abc", "a*b*c", "****abc", "**a**b**c****", "abc*" };
        String str1 = "abc";

        for (String regex : regexList) {
            Assert.assertTrue(Regex.matches(regex, str1));

        String regex = "abc****";
        String[] strList1 = { "abcxyz", "abcx", "abc" };
        for (String str : strList1) {
            Assert.assertTrue(Regex.matches(regex, str));

        regex = "***abc";
        String[] strList2 = { "xyzabc", "xabc", "abc" };
        for (String str : strList2) {
            Assert.assertTrue(Regex.matches(regex, str));

        Assert.assertTrue(Regex.matches("a.c", "abc"));
        Assert.assertTrue(Regex.matches("a*.*c", "abc"));

        Assert.assertTrue(Regex.matches("a*.b.*c", "axxbxxbxxc"));

        // Fail cases.
        Assert.assertFalse(Regex.matches("abc", "abcd"));
        Assert.assertFalse(Regex.matches("*a", "abcd"));
        Assert.assertFalse(Regex.matches("a", ""));
        Assert.assertFalse(Regex.matches(".a*c", "abc"));
        Assert.assertFalse(Regex.matches("a.*b", "abc"));
        Assert.assertFalse(Regex.matches("..", "abc"));
        Assert.assertFalse(Regex.matches("", "abc"));

        // exceptions
        try {
            Regex.matches(null, "abc");
        } catch (NullPointerException e) {

        try {
            Regex.matches("abc", null);
        } catch (NullPointerException e) {


1 Answer 1


Your code is rather nice, but the algorithm is fundamentally flawed. Consider these test cases, which you currently fail:

// The empty string is a substring of any string
Assert.assertTrue(Regex.matches("", "abc"));

// Because you check for direct character equivalence before metacharacters,
// a string containing regex metacharacters will falsely pass
Assert.assertFalse(Regex.matches("a*b", "a*b"));

// We should reject malformed regexes
try {
    Regex.matches("***", "");
} catch (PatternSyntaxException e) {

Furthermore, your regex dialect is unable to match all regular languages: It is possible that a group of characters (and not just a single character) is repeated:

S := A
A := "ab" A
A := ""

This grammar can produce the strings "", "ab", "abab" etc. It is matched by the regular expression (ab)*. However, you do not offer such groupings. Other features that are lacking and are generally expected of regexes:

  • A + quantifier
  • alternatives | (this is strictly required)
  • character classes [a-z] (only needed in real-life applications, not in theoretical settings)
  • Escape sequences like \* to match a literal *, instead of * being a metacharacter.

Don't interpret the regex character by character. This is buggy, and – as shown above – prone to all kinds of failures(1). Instead, write a proper parser and compile the regex to some intermediate representation. For example, the regex (ab|c)* might be equivalent to this data structure:

new Regex.Star(new Regex.Alternative(new Regex.Constant("ab"),
                                     new Regex.Constant("c")))

Given such a data structure, writing a backtracking regex engine is very easy. Of course, regular expressions can also be translated to a state machine, which is a bit more complicated – but the first step is to make it work correctly, before you try any clever optimizations.

  1. Especially, regular expressions themselves do not follow a regular grammar.
  • \$\begingroup\$ Seems to me that: matches("a*b", "a*b") should yield true. The pattern says: "a" optionally followed by arbitrary characters, followed by "b". The target of a*b seems to fit the perfectly well. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Mar 6, 2014 at 17:54
  • \$\begingroup\$ @JerryCoffin in a shell glob pattern, yes. In a regular expression, * (the Kleene Star) is a repetition operator that repeats the previous atom (character or group) zero or more times. So a*b means any number of as followed by a single b. \$\endgroup\$
    – amon
    Commented Mar 6, 2014 at 18:34
  • \$\begingroup\$ He's pretty clearly described the goal at the beginning of the question, and it says: "* (star) means 0 or more character match". Seems to me you've concentrated a lot on the "regex" part, and nearly ignored the more specific description of the code's intent. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Mar 6, 2014 at 18:36

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