
I have written a Python function to solve the Dig Pow problem, where the goal is to find a number k such that the sum of each digit of n raised to a specific and increasing power equals n * k.

Here is my current code:

def dig_pow(n, p):
    if n != int(n): 
        return -1
    stockn = n
    tab = []
    while n > 0:
        newn = n % 10
        n //= 10
    tab = tab[::-1]
    tabRes = []
    for i in range(len(tab)):
        tabRes.append(pow(tab[i], i + p))
    sum_pow = sum(tabRes)
    k = sum_pow // stockn 
    if sum_pow % stockn == 0:
        return k
        return -1

I would like to get some suggestions on how to improve code readability, and efficiency. Any other recommendations to optimize the code and make it run faster would also be appreciated.

  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ Do you have any unit tests for this? I'm not sure from your description what results are expected. \$\endgroup\$ Commented May 10, 2023 at 7:22

1 Answer 1


Do not merge this code down to main.

    tabRes = []

Pep-8 asks that you spell it tab_res. I ask that you explain what the variable is intended to represent, perhaps as a # comment.

If there is some reference you are following for this implementation, you should cite it.

It is unclear what dig_pow(n, p) is supposed to return.

the sum of each digit of n raised to a specific and increasing power equals n * k.

That English sentence could be a spec, maybe. The code seems to implement something else.

Absent unit tests or an intelligible specification, it is unclear whether the OP code accomplishes its design goals.

I would not be willing to delegate or accept maintenance tasks on this codebase.


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