


Mobility with vision


Goldschmidt combines the expertise of its companies to ensure that you have everything that you need for the construction, maintenance, inspection and monitoring of your railway network. The unique global network of experts gives you access to the international range of products and services of Goldschmidt – right where you are, via your local contact person, backed by the power of the entire group. Special expertise, excellent technical equipment and highly qualified personnel allow Goldschmidt to comprehensively carry out a wide variety of tasks with a high level of quality, worldwide. Goldschmidt offers a comprehensive range of products and services worldwide for the joining of rails, modern construction of railway track, and inspection and maintenance of your track infrastructure. Using our products and services combined with our intelligent digital solutions, we are pushing for the digital future of track. Together with you, Goldschmidt masters the challenges of modern, railbound mobility – for safe, sustainable and long-lasting railways of premium quality. As with Thermit®, Goldschmidt is also a pioneer in maintenance, inspection and digitalization and continues to improve processes and extend the lifecycle of railways. Goldschmidt benefits from its global expertise and cross-disciplinary thinking to create tailor-made local solutions for you. The global presence of Goldschmidt gives you access to its whole portfolio – with one goal: to lead your railway infrastructure into the future. Privacy policy:

1,001-5,000 人
Thermit Welding、Insulated Rail Joints、Welding solutions、Grinding solutions、Measuring & Testing solutions、Tools & Machines、Equipment、Road-rail vehicles、Digital solutions、Rail construction、Rail monitoring、Rail maintenance和Rail inspection




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    𝗢𝗻𝗹𝘆 𝟭𝟬 𝘄𝗲𝗲𝗸𝘀 𝗹𝗲𝗳𝘁 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘄𝗲 𝗰𝗮𝗻’𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝗶𝘁! From 24 – 27 September the (rail) world meets at InnoTrans in Berlin. Here’s what you can expect from Goldschmidt at #InnoTrans2024:    🚝 Get the whole Goldschmidt solutions experience in our indoor and outdoor area (hall 25 | booth 485 and outdoor display O/177)   🌱 Experience innovations that will shape the railways of tomorrow – from advanced rail measuring and testing technology through tools and applications for the sustainable Thermit® welding construction site to innovative road-rail vehicles!   🤝 Our experts from all #Goldschmidt companies worldwide are happy to talk to you on site and answer all your questions.   More details will follow soon. We'll keep you on track and are already looking forward to seeing you there! #teamgoldschmidt #innotrans #railinfrastructure #railindustry #railway

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    Goldschmidt runs on rails all over Leipzig! 🚋 With our smart rail solutions we are at home on the #railway. So it makes perfect sense to present ourselves as an employer right there: that's why since 1 June this year Goldschmidt can be seen on a tram carriage of the Leipziger Verkehrsbetriebe!   The out-of-home campaign is part of our initiative to strengthen our profile as a regional #employer. After all, we do not only have a strong presence worldwide, but also in Central Germany in the area of Leipzig, Halle and Magdeburg with various Goldschmidt sites.   Since the line on which "our" tram runs switches on a regular basis, it can be seen throughout #Leipzig and across all parts of the city. Our colleagues Stephan, Daniela and Shih-Chen have already spotted the tram right outside our office near Leuschnerplatz, in the city centre and in Leipzig-Südvorstadt and took these great pictures. Have you seen it yet - and if so, where? 🤩   #goldschmidt #teamgoldschmidt #railindustry #hiring #employerbranding

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    🚂 𝗖𝗹𝗶𝗰𝗸𝗲𝘁𝘆-𝗰𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗸! Probably everyone still remembers the rhythmic, pounding sound of a train running on unwelded rails. Some only know it from historical films - others have heard it live. This sound has largely been silenced today, thanks to the ambitions of Hans Goldschmidt, the #inventor of the continuously welded track!   💡 As early as 1895, Professor Goldschmidt developed the aluminothermic process, the basis for the Thermit® welding process, with which tracks can be welded without gaps and receives the Imperial Patent for it!    💡 Today, almost all rails of different profiles and quality levels can be joined together using the Thermit® welding process - thanks to the continuous development of various patented processes by Goldschmidt.   💡 Each year, tracks with a length of around 11,000 kilometres are welded using the #Goldschmidt Original Thermit® welding process! This corresponds to the distance from the North Cape to the Cape of Good Hope. 🗺 #didyouknow #teamgoldschmidt #innovation #originalthermit

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    Everything was spot on at this year's #summerparty of our Leipzig site: in mild temperatures and sunshine, we welcomed our colleagues and their families last Saturday in the beautiful setting of Leipzig's Rosental - a park at the outskirts of Leipzig's Auwald forest, close to the city centre. 🌿 While the adults relaxed at the #gettogether with cool drinks and local specialities, the little ones enjoyed themselves too: after a scavenger hunt in the park, little surprises awaited all of the "treasure hunters". Afterwards, there was still time to get cosy on picnic blankets and beanbags before the musical highlight of the evening began: together with more than 32,000 Leipzigers, we listened to epic soundtracks spanning 100 years of film history at the "Klassik airleben" Saturday concert of the Gewandhausorchester Leipzig. From "Somewhere over the Rainbow" from the musical The Wizard of Oz (1932) to the famous Titanic soundtrack (1997) up to Hans Zimmer's melancholic, dark sounds from the sci-fi thriller Inception (2010), there was something for everyone! As a co-sponsor of the "Klassik airleben" concerts, again we had the opportunity to present ourselves as a regional employer at the event. Thanks to everyone for the great evening! #goldschmidt #klassikairleben #leipzig #railindustry #event #sponsorship --- Beim diesjährigen Sommerfest unseres Leipziger Standorts stimmte einfach alles: Bei milden Temperaturen und Sonnenschein begrüßten wir unsere Kolleginnen und Kollegen sowie deren Familien am vergangenen Samstag in der schönen Kulisse des Leipziger Rosentals – einem Park im Leipziger Auwald unweit vom Stadtzentrum. 🌿 Während die Erwachsenen beim Get-together bei kühlen Getränken und lokalen Spezialitäten entspannten, kamen auch die Kleinsten auf ihre Kosten: Denn nach einer Schnitzeljagd im Grünen gab es kleine Überraschungen für alle „Schatzjäger“. Anschließend blieb noch Zeit, es sich auf Picknickdecken und Sitzsäcken gemütlich zu machen, bevor das musikalische Highlight des Abends folgte: Gemeinsam mit mehr als 32.000 LeipzigerInnen lauschten wir auf dem „Klassik airleben“ Samstagskonzert des Leipziger Gewandhausorchesters musikalischen Meisterwerken aus 100 Jahren Filmgeschichte. Von „Somewhere over the Rainbow“ aus dem Musical The Wizard of Oz (1932) über den Soundtrack aus dem Film Titanic (1997) bis hin zu Hans Zimmers melancholisch-düsteren Klängen aus dem Sci-Fi Thriller Inception (2010), es war für jeden etwas geboten! Als Co-Sponsor der „Klassik airleben“ Konzerte durften wir uns auf der Veranstaltung erneut als regionaler Arbeitgeber präsentieren. Es war uns wieder ein großes Vergnügen, danke für den schönen Abend!

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    🌍 Join our experts from Thermitrex (PTY) Ltd at Africa Rail, Johannesburg for a chat on all things advanced Thermit® welding construction site! They look forward to seeing you at their stand 📍D28 until today. #goldschmidt #railindustry #originalthermit #africarail #johannesburg

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    🎼 The anticipation is growing - for the annual open-air highlight amongst classical music lovers and #Leipzig residents! The "Klassik airleben" concerts of the world-renowned and award-winning Gewandhausorchester will take place this year on 22 and 23 June in Leipzig's Rosental - and Goldschmidt will be part of it. We are a long-standing Classic Partner of the Gewandhaus Orchester and the "Klassik airleben" concerts. For us, this is the perfect fit, as the global Goldschmidt Group has had its headquarters in Leipzig since 2004 and has close ties to the region. The event is also a special highlight for all colleagues from the area, as we will be enjoying the concert as part of our joint summer event on Saturday in the Rosental. We are already packing our picnic blankets and looking forward to a great night of music and fun! --- 🎼 Die Vorfreude wächst – auf das jährliche Open-Air-Highlight für alle Klassikfreunde und LeipzigerInnen! Die „Klassik airleben“ Konzerte des weltbekannten und -prämierten Gewandhausorchesters finden in diesem Jahr am 22. und 23. Juni im Leipziger Rosental statt – und Goldschmidt ist mit dabei. Wir sind langjähriger Classic Partner des Gewandhausorchesters und Unterstützerin der „Klassik airleben“ Konzerte. Nichts liegt für uns näher, denn die weltweite Goldschmidt-Gruppe hat bereits seit 2004 ihren Hauptsitz in Leipzig und ist eng mit der Region verbunden. Die Veranstaltung ist zusätzlich ein besonderes Highlight für alle Kolleginnen und Kollegen aus der Region, weil wir das Konzert im Rahmen unseres gemeinsamen Sommerfests am Samstag vor Ort im Rosental genießen werden. Wir packen schon mal die Picknickdecken zusammen und freuen uns auf einen musikalisch-entspannten Abend! Bild 1 und 2: Eric Kemnitz #teamgoldschmidt #klassikairleben #event #sponsoring #railindustry

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    Day 1 of Rail Live UK is in the books and our booth was a hive of activity! 🙌🏻 If you haven't so far, come and meet our team at booth 📍E21 tomorrow and discuss with us innovative rail measuring and testing, the latest developments in the field of road-rail vehicles and definitely don't miss our next Thermit® welding demonstration starting at 11 AM and 2:15 PM tomorrow! 🔥 Thermit Welding GB ltd Goldschmidt Sweden AB Graw (Goldschmidt) #roadrailvehicles #originalthermit #railliveuk #teamgoldschmidt #goldschmidt

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    📅 Only 1 week left! Visit us at Rail Live, UK and meet our experts from Thermit Welding GB ltd, Goldschmidt Sweden AB and PLR Prüftechnik Linke & Rühe! 𝗪𝗵𝗲𝗻? 19-20 June 2024 𝗪𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲? Long Marston Rail Innovation Centre, Warwickshire at 📍Booth E21 Join our experts to discuss innovative rail measuring and testing, all things advanced Thermit® welding construction site and the latest developments in the field of road-rail vehicles. We look forward to seeing you there! #roadrailvehicles #originalthermit #railliveuk #railway #railindustry #railinspection #railfair

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    RAIL BUSINESS DAYS in Ostrava, Czech Republic are in full swing! Meet our experts from Form - Thermit together with Graw (Goldschmidt) and PLR Prüftechnik Linke & Rühe until 13 June at 📍 stand D13.

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    It’s a wrap – the Goldschmidt GMM Global Management Meeting 2024! 🌎 Our host this year was Graw (Goldschmidt), which welcomed our colleagues from 6 continents to #Krakow. Over the course of the last days, we presented projects and solutions that will significantly shape the #railways of tomorrow - from innovative rail measuring and testing technology through machines and applications for the sustainable and advanced Thermit® welding construction site to new developments in the field of road-rail vehicles. 💡 All innovations will be showcased at InnoTrans in Berlin this September. But there was more than focus time on the agenda - besides time to network and a group outing, a special highlight awaited the participating colleagues: the Goldschmidt Champions in 3 categories were honoured at the Goldschmidt Award Dinner last night! 𝗔𝗻𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘀𝗲 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗹𝘂𝗰𝗸𝘆 𝘄𝗶𝗻𝗻𝗲𝗿𝘀: Thermit do Brasil Ltda (Company of the Year 2023) 🏆 Thermitrex (PTY) Ltd (Growth Champion 2023) 🏆 Form - Thermit spol. s r.o. (Growth Champion 2023) 🏆 Product Management Rail Joining (Group Spirit 2023) 🏆 Congratulations to all award winners on their achievements and thank you to all our group companies and colleagues that contribute to Goldschmidt's global success every day with commitment, spirit and dedication! #Goldschmidt #TeamGoldschmidt #Rail #Railindustry #TeamSpirit Thermit Welding GB ltd Orgo-Thermit, Inc. PortaCo, Inc. Goldschmidt Sweden AB Form - Thermit Thermit Italiana s.r.l. Thermit Australia Pty Ltd

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