Cloudinary for Nonprofits

Deliver an engaging digital experience and build better connections
with your audience and donor communities

Beautiful digital experiences, easier

Nonprofit organizations are asked to do a lot with a little. That doesn’t mean nonprofits should go without the solutions required to deliver beautiful, media-rich experiences across web and mobile — no matter where their audiences are engaging.

With Cloudinary, you can remove the challenges that come with managing and delivering rich-media content, from optimizing images and videos due to bandwidth constraints to organizing all your digital assets spread across your organization. Free of those hurdles, you can focus on creating the online experiences — and communities — that will help fulfill your mission.

Today, dozens of nonprofits rely on Cloudinary to build, manage and deliver media-rich experiences that engage and connect.

Pet Rescue

The organization hosts a staggering 25 million images and videos in its library, with 80,000 new listings per year, each with 1 to 30 associated images.

John Bishop,
Co-founder and joint CEO

“Above all, it’s these pet images that persuade 50,000 web visitors per day to help prevent tragic outcomes.”


Big missions, smaller budgets

Eligible nonprofits can receive a discount on all Cloudinary plans. Smaller nonprofits may be interested in our Plus and Advanced level plans, and larger nonprofits will benefit from a Custom plan.

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Get a demo

Talk to an expert and find out how Cloudinary can help with your image, video, and rich media needs.

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Start with a free plan and as your requirements grow, upgrade to a plan that best fits your needs.

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