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Questions tagged [api]

Questions about the CiviCRM API.

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using API4 to access a custom table in the database

If I create a new custom table directly in the database (mysql/wordpress), is there a way to access that table using the civicrm api (read and/or write)?
jsherk's user avatar
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Backdrop homepage permission denied CiviAPI

When opening my backdrop homepage, i sometimes get an error saying Authorization Failed. CiviCRM APi:Get or words to that effect. This happens on the home page and I am unable to get to other pages as ...
Dan's user avatar
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invalid criteria for IN drupal to wp migration

civi 5.73.3 on both sites. New wp civi install imported data only from Drupal minus 5 recommended to leave. Also didn't import any non-core extensions. user id 1 for wp and uf-match. Works before I ...
LesleyJill's user avatar
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Error message: The parameter "api3_permissions" must be defined

After upgrading to 5.73.2, I get the following message for a number of actions, e.g. removing a contact from a group on the contact page. (Removing it from the group page does work). As the second ...
Webmaster COVS's user avatar
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Rest API shows no results

This is the first time I have been trying to integrate with a CiviCRM instance. I have admin rights to the instance, however I am having issues getting the REST API to come back with any results. I am ...
Charles Todd's user avatar
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Can rename(AS) a column/field from SELECT using APIv4

I want to rename the column/fields I am retreiving in the SELECT statement. Best way to ask this is by showing an example... Given this select call: $contacts = civicrm_api4('Contact', 'get', [ '...
jsherk's user avatar
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How to access CiviCRM API functions from a WordPress plugin

Wondering what I need to include/require in a WordPress plugin to access the CiviCRM API functions from within that plugin (assuming that CiviCRM is installed on this WordPress installation). Or is ...
jsherk's user avatar
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membership application form w/o access to civicim

We are evaluating the use of civicrm. Regarding data security we have a need vor very high standards, so the policy is never to store any personal information on a computer that is directly accessible ...
Guido's user avatar
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CiviCRM fatal error API 'is not of type String'

I need help figuring out what's causing an error in CiviCRM and how to fix it. It happens when trying to install or uninstall new civi extensions (both from UI and CLI), when trying to rebuild the ...
Will Lee's user avatar
3 votes
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Error: API (SearchDisplay, save) does not exist

I upgraded CiviCRM (from 5.53 to 5.58) after disabling non native CiviCRM extensions and when I want to enable these extensions again, I get an error message I don't understand: Sorry, due to an ...
Pierre François's user avatar
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civi api response limit working in postman but not in javascript

I created a postman test with api4 of civicrm. It adds to the body as x-www-form-urlencoded: key: params value: {"limit": 5} This works fine and returns only 5 results. I tried to do the ...
Gesko's user avatar
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Do strings used in API version 4 need to be escaped?

When running something like this: $result = civicrm_api4('Event', 'get', [ 'select' => ['id'], 'where' => [ ['OR', [ ['title', 'LIKE', $keyword], [...
marcelo2605's user avatar
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CIVICRM: Custom Field that uses financial type id

I'm new to Civicrm PHP and extension development so I'm sorry if this is a dumb question. ^-^ I'm making an extension that creates a new custom field group, the custom field group is meant to ...
BellaDoll's user avatar
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Fetch Bounces Failure, Error message: Unknown api version

For some reason, the fetch bounce api method is unrecognized (Fetch Bounces Finished execution of Fetch Bounces with result: Failure, Error message: Unknown api version). not sure if related to ...
Hilary Binder's user avatar
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civicrm_api3('Contact', 'create', in hook_civicrm_pre?

Getting a loop and consequently out of memory while executing the code: function hook_civicrm_pre($op, $objectName, $id, &$params){ if ('Individual' === $objectName && 'edit' === $...
yurg's user avatar
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