After install of CiviCRM 5.44 on WordPress 5.8.2 I receive the following message:

Initialization Error

Array ( [callback] => Array ( [0] => CRM_Core_Error [1] => simpleHandler )

[code] => -18
[message] => DB Error: no such table
[mode] => 16
[debug_info] => SELECT id, name, value, domain_id, contact_id, is_domain, component_id, created_date, created_id

FROM civicrm_setting WHERE (domain_id = 1) AND (is_domain = 1) [nativecode=1146 ** Table 'credolvo_WPORV.civicrm_setting' doesn't exist] [type] => DB_Error [user_info] => SELECT id, name, value, domain_id, contact_id, is_domain, component_id, created_date, created_id FROM civicrm_setting WHERE (domain_id = 1) AND (is_domain = 1) [nativecode=1146 ** Table 'credolvo_WPORV.civicrm_setting' doesn't exist] [to_string] => [db_error: message="DB Error: no such table" code=-18 mode=callback callback=CRM_Core_Error::simpleHandler prefix="" info="SELECT id, name, value, domain_id, contact_id, is_domain, component_id, created_date, created_id FROM civicrm_setting WHERE (domain_id = 1) AND (is_domain = 1) [nativecode=1146 ** Table 'credolvo_WPORV.civicrm_setting' doesn't exist]"] )

When I look at the database, the only civi table is civicrm_address_format.

Other Vital Stats: Hosting Company: Blue Host Version 7.4 MySQL Version 5.6.41-84.1

I could really use some help on this.

  • can you reference, or spell out, the installation process you followed
    – petednz - fuzion
    Commented Dec 30, 2021 at 20:24
  • As per instruction on the CiviCRM site, I copied the CiviCRM plugin for Word Press into the Plugin directory. From WP admin/plugin interface, I activated the plugin. The process began with the Civi activation page, then the errors above presented. To get the site back up, I deleted the CiviCRM plugin folder and the site came back up. Commented Dec 31, 2021 at 20:43
  • if you followed every step here docs.civicrm.org/installation/en/latest/wordpress then you may want to join chat.civicrm.org/civicrm/channels/wordpress if you haven't already
    – petednz - fuzion
    Commented Jan 2, 2022 at 22:01

1 Answer 1


Turns out, the mySQL database version could not support the CiviCRM install version. BLuehost uses 5.6.41-84.1 and 8.0 or better is required.

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