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Nigel J
  • Member for 6 years, 10 months
  • Last seen this week
24 votes

Current views about whether it’s appropriate to refer to God as "It"?

21 votes

Why did Stephen have authority to ask God to forgive the sins of his nonbelieving executioners?

17 votes

Is 1 Corinthians 15:28 disregarded by trinitarians?

15 votes

How do Christians explain Muhammad being mentioned in the Gospel of Barnabas?

15 votes

Why do Christians stand when we sing?

14 votes

How do Trinitarians explain the almost exclusive use of singular pronouns to refer to God in the Bible?

13 votes

How do non-universalists account for these passages talking about the salvation of all?

12 votes

Can someone be saved if they willingly live in sin?

12 votes

Did Martin Luther really nail his 95 Theses to the church door?

12 votes

According to Protestant interpretations why does God want people to serve Him when He doesn’t need it?

12 votes

If God is omniscient why did he need to come down to earth to see for himself?

11 votes

How do we know from the Bible that Adam and Eve have been saved from the lake of fire?

11 votes

Outside the technical definition, what is the term "Pharisee" synomynous with inside Christian Teachings?

11 votes

What are some countries where you can be imprisoned for reading or owning a Bible?

11 votes

Why does Jesus value leap of faith more than those who rely on direct evidence?

10 votes

Do Reformed theologians understand the Catholic Church and the Papacy to have been true heirs of Peter until the Reformation?

10 votes

Did women ever sing publicly with men present, other than their close family, in Bible history?

10 votes

Perpetual virginity of Mary: why did Mary see "not knowing man" as an obstacle to the conception of Jesus?

10 votes

According to Trinitarians who believe Philippians 2:6 says Jesus is God, why did Paul add the word 'form' ('morphe')?

10 votes

Why has the Church of Scotland lost 1 million followers since 2001?

9 votes

How do those who hold Jesus = God in the Trinitarian sense account for Paul's reticence to state this clearly and consistently?

9 votes

How does a Baptist church handle a believer who was already baptized as an infant and confirmed as a youth?

9 votes

Can Christians have a right to defend themselves?

9 votes

How can Protestants authoritatively declare something wrong or heretical under Sola Scriptura?

9 votes

Is there an appropriate response to "Jesus Loves You"?

9 votes

What is the biblical basis for “the Sinner’s Prayer” and do Protestants believe that saying the prayer make one a Christian?

9 votes

What is the Protestant understanding of the Greek "anamnesis" and "poieo" in Luke 22:19?

9 votes

If Jesus was God (the famous John 1:1), why was He exalted to a higher position?

9 votes

Does the delayed burial of Jesus attest to the fact that he had no close relatives other than his mother?

9 votes

What is the biblical basis for Jesus' eternal pre-existence (as opposed to having been created a long time ago)?

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