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Questions tagged [sin]

Sin is an act or state of disobedience towards God.

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1 answer

From a Thomistic perspective, why is there homosexuality among animals?

St. Thomas Aquinas said: "Union of male and female is said to be of natural law, because nature has taught this to animals: yet she has taught this union to various animals in various ways ...
Guilherme de Souza's user avatar
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How do Christians who reject the idea of purgatory deal with the fact that most people don't repent of every sin before they die?

It is an observable fact that most people, even most Christians, don't repent of every sin individually before they die. Even that really great guy at church who's everyone's best friend and is first ...
jaredad7's user avatar
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When did the Catholic Church first distinguish mortal from venial sin and connect it to state of grace?

I understand that Catholic theology cites biblical basis for distinguishing mortal from venial sin (see Catholic Answers Mortal and Venial Sin). But when was the first known practice where the ...
GratefulDisciple's user avatar
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Did Lucifer’s sin in Heaven defile the Heavenly Sanctuary?

I stumbled across the lack of belief, or comprehension, of this concept on another forum and it not only surprised me, I was completely blindsided by the response to the question; it was like I was ...
Adam's user avatar
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Did Aquinas rate rage as worse than sexual sins?

I have been explained that Thomas Aquinas regarded sexual sins as less serious than sins connected with rage, as the former gave a taste of the divine, whereas the latter had a diabolical origin. What ...
Sapiens's user avatar
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Does the Bible state that when we go to heaven, we can still be tempted?

I have asked several questions relating to the fall of Satan. It is concluded that Satan has made one-third of the angels in Heaven follow him. Therefore, all of these angels has sinned. My question ...
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Did the Catholic Church justify castration with the "castri" choirs?

I was listening to a recent the Art of Manliness podcast, they were talking about the castrati which I'd never heard of before, although it did come up once here. Did the Catholic Church turn a blind ...
Peter Turner's user avatar
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Given that sin is not a debt - it's a crime against God - why do some say God only had to forgive? What about justice? Is God not just?

This is somewhat similar to this question, Are there Christian Denominations or Movements who believe that Jesus didn't actually pay our sin debt? but I wish to pursue the matter of God being the ...
Anne's user avatar
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Is it presumptuous to seek to become a priest?

Is it presumptuous to seek to become a priest? It is well known that the priest must be a saint and that he takes upon him a burden of the salvation of his flock; is it, therefore, presumptuous to ...
Ph Ex's user avatar
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According to Pope Francis and/or Catholicism, what sins are more serious than sins of the flesh?

Pope Francis, was quoted about accepting the resignation of a French Archbishop following on his recent trip to Greece: “small caresses and massages that he gave to the secretary.” ... Francis added ...
Peter Turner's user avatar
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According to believers in libertarian free will, do all human beings have a genuine chance to freely choose to live a perfect sinless life?

Premise of this question: first of all, I'm basing this question on my common sense understanding that moral responsibility and judgement presuppose that human beings have the capacity to make free ...
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Why does bible say we all are sinners?

I'm not a Christian myself but got this question after hearing a sermon on my daily TV. There they were communally saying, "Christ died for our sins and we are all sinners and we just are nothing ...
Sri's user avatar
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Are there theological explanations for why God would condition his divine intervention and mercy on intercessory prayer?

Ezekiel 22:29-31 (ESV): 29 The people of the land have practiced extortion and committed robbery. They have oppressed the poor and needy, and have extorted from the sojourner without justice. 30 And ...
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Does an act being intrinsically evil ensure culpability?

According to Catholicism, only mortal sins result in condemnation and a mortal sin requires the act to be grave matter and to have been committed with full knowledge and consent of the will. But the ...
eques's user avatar
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Do Trinitarian Protestants regard it as wrong to make false claims publicly?

And not rather, (as we be slanderously reported, and as some affirm that we say,) Let us do evil, that good may come? whose damnation is just. [Romans 3:8 KJV] Some slandered the early Christians and ...
Nigel J's user avatar
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How do I discern righteous guilt from false guilt?

I believe the Holy Spirit can make you feel guilty for an actual sin while the enemies of God can make you feel guilty for an alleged sin that isn't one or keep you feel guilty for a sin you repented ...
LoveForChrist's user avatar
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Do you repent by your own actions or by God's forgiveness?

This is a question I've been wrestling with lately as a recent convert to Christianity. Even though I make contrition and feel repentance for sins I commit, I worry that unless I do something to '...
ermatveit's user avatar
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According to Christian denominations, why are we all cursed for Adam's sin and is that fair?

We all suffer death for Adam's sin, so why is that and is it fair for us to suffer death for his sin?
exodus's user avatar
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Why isn't the Spanish bullfight immoral, according to Catholicism?

The Catholic Church has never condemned this traditional event in Spain and the Catholic Encyclopedia (which received Nihil obstat from the Church, that is, apparently the Catholic Encyclopedia is ...
Guilherme de Souza's user avatar
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Did St. Thomas Aquinas rate masturbation as a greater sin than rape? [duplicate]

St. Thomas Aquinas said: Objection 1. It would seem that the unnatural vice is not the greatest sin among the species of lust. For the more a sin is contrary to charity the graver it is. Now adultery,...
Guilherme de Souza's user avatar
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What is the Biblical basis that Jesus could sin?

We have many scriptures about Jesus' humanity. Several specific verses about his total dependence on the Father, his God, for all his needs, his words and his ability to perform miracles etc. Jesus ...
steveowen's user avatar
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Was Noah and/or his family fully or partially descendant from Cain?

The patrilineal lineage of Noah is, according to Genesis, descendant from Seth. However, Genesis doesn't mention anything about the wives of those fathers, nor does it mention anything about the ...
A. Kvåle's user avatar
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What is the biblical basis that Jesus could not sin?

We all know Jesus was without sin. That he did not sin has little to do with whether he could or could not sin. The core reasoning of Jesus being able to sin is that he was tempted. This temptation ...
steveowen's user avatar
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According to Catholicism, if we sin and become repentant will our sins be forgiven too like St. Peter?

At the catechism class we learned that as Peter was repentant after betraying Jesus his sin was forgiven. If we sin, become repentant and do confessions will our sins be forgiven too? Or do we have to ...
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What is the Biblical basis of the idea that men can be given authority to forgive sins?

This question is inspired by the question What is the Old Testament basis to the idea that only God can forgive sins? What is the Biblical basis (Old or New Testament) for the idea that men can be ...
Only True God's user avatar
-1 votes
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Existence of Hell in Christianity [duplicate]

What are the biblical basis for hell in Christianity? Are there any and if there are what are they based on in bible or in Christianity in general. I have seen many articles about the bible not ...
EatrhTribe's user avatar
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Is repentance of sins possible outside the Gospel?

Does every human being, at least once in their lifetime, have a genuine chance to repent of their sins, turn away from them and start living a righteous life? If so, does this also include people who ...
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Do Christians who view homosexuality as a sin believe that homosexuals can be freed from their sinful condition by the power of God?

It should be common sense knowledge that many Christians condemn homosexuality as a sin. The following already asked questions should be more than enough to prove the point: Why do some Christians ...
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Why would God create a world in which there are so many ways to sin and thus be condemned? [duplicate]

There's no doubt humans are responsible for their sins, but what they do is still dependent on the basic rules of the universe. So why would God let i.e. drugs to be possible in the first place? I ...
Jack's user avatar
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Can people who don’t believe, yet don’t not believe in Jesus Christ, still make it into heaven if they’re a good person? [closed]

My boyfriend and I have gotten into many discussions. He’s mentioned “I don’t get it. I don’t not believe it him, but I can’t say I’m a whole hearted believer. Who’s to say I won’t go to heaven if it’...
Autum Hempfling's user avatar

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