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Questions tagged [matthew]

The apostle Matthew, a tax collector, traditionally identified as the author of the gospel of Matthew and as the Levi mentioned in Mark and Luke.

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Why did Pilate use the attribute of Messiah for Jesus?

In an example of exceptional cases, NIV of Mtt 27:17 reads: When the crowd had gathered, Pilate asked them, “Which one do you want me to release to you: Jesus Barabbas, or Jesus who is called the ...
Kadalikatt Joseph Sibichan's user avatar
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Why did Jewish leaders change their mind on the arrest and execution of Jesus?

We read in Mtt 26:3-5(NIV); Then the chief priests and the elders of the people assembles in the palace of the high priest, whose name was Caiaphas, and they schemed to arrest Jesus secretly and ...
Kadalikatt Joseph Sibichan's user avatar
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The status of Mosaic Law during Jesus' lifetime

How can the following verses be reconciled? Matthew 5:18-20: “Amen, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or the smallest part of a letter will pass from the law, ...
wmasse's user avatar
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In Matthew 16:24 Jesus tells His disciples to pick up their crosses and follow Him. How would they have understood what He was saying?

In Matt 16:24 Jesus tells His disciples to pick up their crosses and follow Him. How would the apostles have understood what He was saying? He spoke these words before He was crucified, so the mention ...
Yahuchanan's user avatar
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According to Roman Catholicism, how many times is Elijah going to come back?

This question (and its answers) indicate that, according to Roman Catholicism, the two witnesses prophesied to come in Revelation 11:3 will almost certainly be Enoch and Elijah (Elias). And I will ...
Mike Borden's user avatar
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Reason for word order in Mt. 19:29 Mk. 10:29-30? Ommission of "fathers" in Mk. 10:30? [closed]

Matthew 19:29: And every one that hath left house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands for my name's sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall possess ...
Geremia's user avatar
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Is "the daughter of Zion" the Christians?

According to Matthew (chapter 21) the prophecy of Zechariah 9:9 is fulfilled in Jesus' entry into Jerusalem. This makes Jesus the King of Zion: Matthew 21:1-5 1 And when they drew nigh unto ...
washicd's user avatar
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Are there comparative studies on the parables of Vineyard from Isaiah and Matthew?

The First Reading and the Gospel Reading of Roman Catholic Holy Mass for October 8th have a parable each on the vineyard. The first one is Isaiah 5:1-7 which speaks of wild grapes that grew on good ...
Kadalikatt Joseph Sibichan's user avatar
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Did Matthew or the Church Fathers know the rabbinical tradition that Rahab was Joshua's wife and the mother of several prophets? (Mt.511)

Matthew lists Rahab the prostitute of Jericho as one of Jesus' ancestors. I've sometimes wondered why. Yes, she risked her life to save the spies sent by Joshua to Jericho. But would that be enough ...
Dan Fefferman's user avatar
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What is the foundational support for interpreting prophecies as having dual fulfillments?

There are a handful of prophecies that Christians consider as having "dual fulfillments" - one at the time, and one in the future. Matthew 24, Isaiah 7:14, etc. are examples. Where did this ...
Julian's user avatar
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Beatitudes explained in layman's terms to find true happiness [closed]

There is a question listing out the Beatitudes in the link below. I'm interested in these because according to the Bible, these eight things will make everyone happy! Can you help me interpret these ...
JustBeingHelpful's user avatar
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What is the “something greater than Solomon” in Matthew 12?

To whom or what is Jesus referring in this passage when he speaks of “something greater than Solomon”? The queen of the South will rise up at the judgment with this generation and condemn it, for she ...
Paul Chernoch's user avatar
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How do Catholics and other Christians respond to the US Bishops' teaching that Matthew was not written by it supposed author?

In its Introduction to the Gospel of Matthew, the website of the US Council of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) states: The ancient tradition that the author was the disciple and apostle of Jesus named ...
Dan Fefferman's user avatar
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Does Matthew 5:38-40 mean we have to remain pacifist? [closed]

In Matthew 5:38-40 Jesus Christ tells us that if someone hit you on the right check that you the other check to him also, does this means as Christians that we are supposed to remain pacifist and that ...
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How do believers in the Great Apostasy reconcile their views with Matthew 16:18?

From the Wikipedia article on the Great Apostasy: The Great Apostasy is a concept within Christianity, identifiable at least from the time of the Reformation, to describe a perception that the early ...
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