I've heard from someone that 八 was at one point pronounced bia1 in old Mandarin. The topic came up when discussing the term biaji, a word for chewing loudly. I couldn't find any evidence for it, since the -j- is not present in any other Sinitic languages that I know of or in Middle Chinese reconstructions.

  • Possibly, but "old Mandarin" is rather vague. The fact that the financial phonetic loan is spelt 捌 lends some credence to the idea.
    – dROOOze
    Commented Jun 30 at 20:40

3 Answers 3


I think the word you are looking for is "吧唧(biaji/baiji)", which is pronounced as [bā jī]. One of its meanings is "open and close one's lips that make a loud, disturbing sound while eating". It has nothing to do with 八 except the shared sound [bā].


enter image description here

Hope this is what you need. Actually “Bia Ji” still popular in spoken language, but the standard Chinese uses “Ba Ji” 叭叽。


In some places, such as my hometown Jinhua, 八 was indeed pronounced bia in ancient times. And in Jinhua dialect, the pronunciation of 八 is still bia.

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