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Are all moves or types of moves (see details) in chess possible?

Inspired by this video The rarest move in chess, in which moves are categorized based on the format of their algebraic notation, so for example the rarest type of move (according to the author and ...
alices_and_bobs's user avatar
-1 votes
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Up to which number of moves has the result of chess been calculated?

Chess hasn't been completely solved yet, even though it is completely deterministic. However, can't we "solve" it up to a certain number of moves (e.g., up to 50 moves)? Then, considering ...
ARGYROU MINAS's user avatar
2 votes
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Incorrect upper bound on number of possible chess positions (10^41)?

I've written a script implementing a basic idea to count the number of chess positions. I've not even accounted for legality of the positions or difference in light and dark square bishops. Despite ...
Yash Jain's user avatar
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Can you suggest book references on chess theory?

as stated in the title I am looking for structured textbooks on chess. I have followed lessons and I have a rough idea of tactics (forks, pins, skewers, sacrifices, etc) but I feel like I am ...
Fede Rico's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

Is there a mathematical theorem that you can use to win a chess endgame?

Have mathematicians created any theorem that determines the outcome of a endgame? If so, how could it be used to win a specific endgame?
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4 votes
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Number of distinct checkmate positions

What is the number of distinct checkmate positions in each of the following categories given the following conditions? We are not interested in whether the position can be forced or not or even what ...
Playingwithnumbers's user avatar
4 votes
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How many games of optimal chess are there?

Assume that we have weakly solved chess, in the sense that we have an algorithm that when used, allows us to force a win if possible, and if that is not possible, force a draw. Define a ply as optimal ...
Nathan's user avatar
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1 vote
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How many sensible games of chess are there?

Analytic procedures for estimating the number of possible games of chess typically reason that on each ply, a player has some limited number of sensible options, O, and the average game of chess lasts ...
Nathan's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to reach King vs King by moving each piece at most twice?

I'm interested in short games that reach a King vs King endgame. Sam Lloyd reached King vs King after only 17 moves. This has since been improved to 16.5 moves. (See this and that.) One can show that ...
Dustin G. Mixon's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

How to calculate the number of positions in chess?

For layman, can someone explain how you calculate the number of available positions in a chess game, and how do you get the huge number of 10^120 or 10^46?
shashank shekhar singh's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Longest Sequence For Any Piece To Reach A Certain Square

What is the longest sequence of moves (by both White and Black) wherein White attempts to move one of their pieces from one square to another? Assume Black makes every move optimal towards the purpose ...
Lieutenant Zipp's user avatar
30 votes
9 answers

Has anyone attempted to characterize chess mathematically?

From years of being student, researcher, and practitioner of chess, I feel like it possesses completeness and elegance that are found in mathematical proofs and theories. Thus, it seems only natural ...
postoronnim's user avatar
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Longest non-cooperative game of chess [closed]

Typical arguments for the longest possible game of chess take a form something like this. 1) Each player moves their knights back of forth 49 times 2) Each player moves one pawn forward one square ...
psitae's user avatar
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If both sides move at random, but legally, then how many games will be a win for White or Black, if not a draw? [duplicate]

I would guess that very few games, in terms of percentage, will end with a draw. The winning percentage will be roughly the same for both White and Black.
Zuriel's user avatar
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-3 votes
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What are unsolved problems in chess? [closed]

Are there any problems in chess that remain unsolved?
Rewan Demontay's user avatar

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