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7 votes

How to change PGN Viewer board orientation to perspective of side not-to-move?

If you want to view the game from black's perspective, you can add the tag [StartFlipped "1"] to the pgn headers. Similarly, if you want to force white to be on the bottom even though black is moving ...
Andrew's user avatar
  • 15.2k
7 votes

Missing tag badges

There have to be at least 100 questions with a given tag for tag badges to be available. None of those tags have 100 or more questions yet. This is stated in the sidebar on this Badges help page
Herb's user avatar
  • 4,206
7 votes

Answer deletion second opinion

This was the question: What is this thought called? Is there a name of this hypothesis or theorem or idea? The answer "Zermelo's Theorem" was given by Matija Sirk. You made no attempt ...
Brian Towers's user avatar
  • 99.3k
6 votes

Why Negative Marks at Forum's Oversight

The tooltip on the downvote button says: This question does not show any research effort; it is unclear or not useful You have not shown any research effort (e.g. some analysis of your own). Your ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 24.9k
5 votes

Is it possible to get a negative reputation?

No, this is not possible. From the Help Center article What is reputation? How do I earn (and lose) it?: All users start with one reputation point, and reputation can never drop below 1.
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 24.9k
4 votes

How to safely contribute answers?

Are you referring to this question? Yes, I protected that question because I'm not sure that question needs more answers. Stack Exchange is a Q&A site, focused on getting answers to questions, and ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 24.9k
4 votes

Why did my reputation go from 941 to 937?

You can audit your reputation via your profile. One of your questions was deleted (through an automatic process) resulting in the loss 14 reputation (the question had two upvotes and three downvotes).
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 24.9k
4 votes

Over 9000, or: Karma perks on (C)SE

Congratulations! The list is here. Chess Stack Exchange still uses the privilege levels of a beta site, which cap at 5k instead of 25k. You get the access to moderator tools privilege, normally ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 24.9k
3 votes

Is there a page formatting change at 2000 reputation?

It seems you've accidentally tripped the mobile version of the site. That setting is stored per-site in a cookie, so that's why you still see the full version of the Meta site. To go back to the full ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 24.9k
3 votes

Different categories and different grades of questions and answers

my question is that are badges and reputations awarded on country or region wise? No. It's purely based on the content and how the community votes on your posts. Stack Exchange is a global platform, ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 24.9k
3 votes

PGN Viewer not working for me- what have I done wrong?

You used clever quotes rather than normal quotes and you added an extra space. I've fixed it for you.
Brian Towers's user avatar
  • 99.3k
3 votes

Are the Winter Bash hats permanent?

They're gone. If they are ever reused in later years, you have to earn them again. The leaderboards will remain for a while after January 1st. If you want to keep your hat on afterwards, you'd have ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 24.9k
3 votes

I cannot edit my own post

Salutations such as "Hello", "Hi", etc. in the beginning of the post is automatically stripped by the system. This is explained more on Should 'Hi', 'thanks', ...
Andrew T.'s user avatar
  • 241
3 votes

I cannot edit my own post

I believe that's a standard check in the editor. The network wide policy is that hello, welcome, and similar words and phrases shouldn't be part of an answer, although I couldn't find a meta post to ...
Herb's user avatar
  • 4,206
3 votes

Chess diagrams and games in app

No, this is not possible. Of the many site-specific post formatting features, only MathJax is enabled in the Stack Exchange app. The reason for this is probably that it's lots of work, so they did it ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 24.9k
3 votes

Bug with PGN viewer

As indicated by Andrew in the comments, try bxc6 instead of c6. The PGN viewer requires correct PGN, what happens when the PGN is invalid is undefined behaviour.
3 votes

Is it special to Chess Stack Exchange that we can show static pictures of a board?

It looks like Chess SE is the only Stack Exchange site where the PGN/FEN renderer was implemented: In January 2016, someone asked a question about the PGN viewer on Meta SE, which was closed as off-...
Tsundoku's user avatar
  • 1,113
3 votes

Bounty on the question

From the Help Center, emphasis mine: If you see a question that has not gotten a satisfactory answer, a bounty may help attract more attention and more answers. A bounty is not a guarantee you'll ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 24.9k
2 votes

pgn viewer support on mobile phones

As a partial fix: you can click on full site at the bottom of the screen and the board does render fine.
Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen's user avatar
2 votes

Is it possible to get a negative reputation?

It is impossible to obtain a negative reputation, as proved by this question from the Stack Exchange Meta site.
Rewan Demontay's user avatar
2 votes

How do I insert a PGN?

The basic mechanism is described in the links in this post. I wish there was a way to put this in the "Help" section for Chess.SE, but I'm not sure if it's possible to add site-specific help ...
patbarron's user avatar
  • 3,684
2 votes

Replayer Sandbox

For PSE [FEN "nnn5/8/8/NNN5/8/8/8/5k1K w - - 0 1"] 1.Ncb7 Ncb6 2.N5d6 N8d7 3.Nd8 Nd5 4.Nac6 Nac7 5.Nc8 Nc5 6.N6a7 N7a6 7.Ndc6 Ndc7 8.Nb6 ...
2 votes

Why has the PGN viewer (replayer) stopped working?

Almost 24 hours later, it appears to be working just fine. I suspect a blip somewhere in the system. However, until a higher-up pinpoints the true answer, we do not know. Update: Per @hb20007's ...
Rewan Demontay's user avatar
2 votes

Preemptive close reason watch

On your own questions you need 250 reputation points to see close votes. On other people's questions you need 500 reputation.
Brian Towers's user avatar
  • 99.3k
1 vote

Preemptive close reason watch

There are no moderator tools for this, but you can keep an eye on the Close Votes review queue; questions with active close votes will appear there ~15 minutes after the first vote.
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 24.9k
1 vote

The Pgn reader controls are far down the page

If you can click on a computer, you can click on the first move and use your arrow keys.
Rewan Demontay's user avatar
1 vote

Replayer Sandbox

For @loopywalt's answer to the Puzzling.SE question "The Biggest Chess Blunder": [FEN "Rrrqqqqq/PPPPPPP1/kq1qqqbb/7R/K7/4n3/8/8 b - - 0 1"] [StartPly "1"] [StartFlipped &...
1 vote

Replayer Sandbox

For this answer on Puzzling Stack Exchange for a checkmate with only knights: [FEN ""] 1. d4 e5 2. dxe5 Nf6 3. exf6 Na6 4. fxg7 Ke7 5. g8=N+ Ke6 6. Nd2 Kd5 7. g4 f6 8. g5 Be7 9. gxf6 Nb8 10....
1 vote

Replayer Sandbox

Supporting this PSE Question. [FEN "7Q/8/3R1R2/K5k1/ppppppp1/N7/1PPPPPPP/8 w - - 0 1"] 1.h4+ gxh3 2.Rg6+ Kf5 3.g4+ fxg3 4.Qf8+ Ke5 5.f4+ exf3 6.Rde6+ Kd5 7.e4+ dxe3 8.Qd8+ Kc5 9.d4+ cxd3 ...

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