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hBy2Py's user avatar
hBy2Py's user avatar
  • Member for 9 years, 7 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
113 votes

Why doesn't water burn?

46 votes

Is there a cheap, safe liquid that evaporates EXOthermically around room temperature?

39 votes

Why isn't ethane used for cooking?

33 votes

When are two orbitals orthogonal?

27 votes

Realistic chemical spill accident in high school chemistry class

26 votes

What is the meaning of the "-osic" suffix on a metal (e.g., cobaltosic oxide)?

24 votes

Canonical MOs vs. Localized MOs: Do both represent reality in the same way?

24 votes

If you put two blocks of an element together, why don't they bond?

20 votes

What is actually the difference between valence bond theory and molecular orbital theory?

18 votes

Are electron shells probability distributions?

18 votes

What is charge shift bonding?

17 votes

Why is BCl3 a monomer whereas AlCl3 exists as a dimer?

16 votes

Are our hands really chiral?

16 votes

Can molecules diffuse upstream when emptying a cup of tea?

16 votes

Is there a way to "electroplate" wood with copper?

15 votes

How to calculate wavenumbers of normal modes from the eigenvalues of the Cartesian force constant matrix?

14 votes

Do 1 mole of both dioxygen gas and its atoms occupy 22.4 litres at STP?

13 votes

Does computational chemistry include neutrons in ground state calculations?

13 votes

Solubility of EDTA in water

13 votes

How can off-diagonal Hamiltonian matrix elements be nonzero when the overlap matrix is diagonal?

13 votes

What's the difference between a tetrahedron and a trigonal pyramid?

12 votes

What is the reason for the blue color of an ammoniated electron?

12 votes

Why does the reaction quotient use the products (multiplications) of reactants and products, rather than their respective sums?

12 votes

Where does computational chemistry overlap with organic chemistry?

12 votes

Prove that a 10-Degree Temperature Increase Doubles the Rate Constant (k), when the Activation Energy is Approximately 50 kJ/mol

12 votes

High voltage AC water electrolysis not working

12 votes

What are the important implications to the field of chemistry, if any, of the hexavalent carbon species confirmed in 2017?

12 votes

Natural Bond Orbital analysis: Significance of stabilization energy determined by 2nd order perturbation

12 votes

How to determine the angle between non-bonding electron pairs?

11 votes

Chemical reaction in homemade deodorant

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