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1 vote

Why can we see color during d-d transition of electron?

There are multiple levels [actually, an infinite number, merging into a continuum] to which an electron can be raised in an atom. For example, see the Lyman series of levels in just a simple hydrogen ...
DrMoishe Pippik's user avatar
0 votes

Why the colour of complexes is the complement of light absorbed?

Apparently, you are mixing two independent phenomena ; 1) Absorption of light by any colored substance, 2) Emission of light by luminous substances. Your first paragraphe describes how light is ...
Maurice's user avatar
  • 29.2k
1 vote

Why the colour of complexes is the complement of light absorbed?

Your question is not specific to chemical d-complexes. Energy due photonic excitation is in general usually dissipated by non radiative means (aside of thermal radiation). The topic is covered by ...
Poutnik's user avatar
  • 42.7k
2 votes

Why does iron have an abnormally high ionization energy?

Why does Iron have an abnormally high ionization energy? First, I'm assuming your question is essentially why doesn't iron follow the general trend where ionization energy increases when moving across ...
Sean Schulte's user avatar
7 votes

What is less coordinating to metals? Triflates or hexafluorophosphates, and why?

Your statement, "I read that triflates and hexafluorophosphates are both non-coordinating," may not exactly correct. Actually, the triflate $(\ce{CF3SO3-})$ is weakly coordinating (Ref.1) ...
Mathew Mahindaratne's user avatar

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