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4 votes

Why is the Molar mass of CO2 different than the weight of the sum of its particles?

This is a really interesting question actually! I'm new to answering questions on this site but I'll explain as best I can. As others have said, the difference in this particular calculation comes ...
cp95's user avatar
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2 votes

Identifying optically active alcohols

1 equivalent of Grignard reagent reacts with esters to form a ketone, by a nucleophilic substitution mechanism. In this case, $\ce{Ph-}$ will replace the alkoxy group to form methyl phenyl ketone from ...
megamonster68's user avatar
1 vote

Isopropyl Alcohol Vs Acetone for Dissolving Organic Contaminants on PCB

Any components on the PCB need to be considered and as such, isopropyl alcohol is the better option here. It's an effective cleaner and less likely to damage plastics and coatings on the board. In ...
Melanie Shebel's user avatar

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