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Chemistry-in-fiction covers all chemistry that can be seen in TV series, films and can be read in books, etc. which does not necessarily need to be based on proper scientific backgrounds.

In science fiction series/films/books it's not necessarily the science part that comes first. Often it's more important to imagine something that brings the best effects for the viewers. Another point for such errors is, that eventually proposed synthesizing methods shall not be copied by the viewers for safety reasons.

This very often leads to an inaccurate description of the underlying chemistry/physics as in simple cases:

  • explosions that are too huge or
  • things that can be seen under optical microscopes that are way below the diffraction limit of optical microscopes like carbenes [1]

and in more complicated cases:

  • blue meth from Breaking Bad that actually is blue rock candy [2]
  • the same blue meth that is synthesized in a way that will not lead to the product as it is described in the series.
  • and so on ...

Such discrepancies between fiction and reality are scoped under this tag to clarify what is reality and what is fiction or at least how real the fiction might be.