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When optimizing AMBER molecular dynamics parameters for protein-ligand interactions, how do I balance accuracy and efficiency?

Are there established practices for fine-tuning AMBER MD parameters in scenarios like mine, involving specific factors like mutant proteins or non-standard ligands? Has anyone successfully tackled ...
Don Aborah's user avatar
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Troubleshooting an AutoDock Vina error on Chimera: “Could not find an atomic number for Hn Hn”

After minimizing a ligand (prepared with MarvinSketch) and preparing a target enzyme to dock said ligand onto (collected from RCSP PDB — 5DGN (Crystal structure of human FPPS in complex with compound ...
Mas's user avatar
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To which extent is protein folding conserving subprotein structures?

I am actually a pure mathematician, who stumbled over this paper «Protein-Folding Analysis Using Features Obtained by Persistent Homology» by Ichinomiya et al. (Biophys. J. 118, 2020, 2926-2937; link),...
Guestlee's user avatar
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How would I make a basic protein folding algorithm? [closed]

On the face of it it doesn't seem especially difficult. Model the amino acids as solid objects linked together. Approximate the 3D force fields around them using a coarse approximation, then set the ...
zooby's user avatar
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Generating electron density from protein coordinate (PDB)

Normally protein coordinates are generated from electron density, such as that from X-ray scattering experiment. In my case, I want the reverse - PDB to electron density mesh. I thought it was more ...
Simon's user avatar
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Calculating the energy of a molecule using probability distributions

I wish to calculate the energy for a protein where the position of all the C-alpha atoms is known. One way is to calculate the pairwise distances between the atoms and then look up a probability ...
Chris's user avatar
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How to write an entire trajectory into a single PDB file?

I have a trajectory (few frames) that I want to stack together and build a single PDB. I thought either to use VMD or MDAnalysis library. With VMD if I do ...
0x90's user avatar
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How can absolute binding free energies be calculated?

In the calculation of binding free energies, such as between a protein and a ligand, I learned that absolute values cannot be obtained from simulation (such as taught in this lecture, slide 2). Rather,...
halcyon's user avatar
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How to connect proteins via disulfide bonds computationally?

I want to connect proteins together to form a dimer. As seen in the picture, the monomers come close to each other along the edge of the higher-order structure (forget about the sulfate there). How ...
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