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Questions tagged [protecting-groups]

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2 votes
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Clean *di* protection of phosphonic acid dichloride with a suitable protection group with clean deprotection

For some time I am struggling with a tricky synthesis problem in my pHD. I think I came closer now, but I still need a link in the chain to make my idea work. The principle goal here is access a free ...
raptorlane's user avatar
2 votes
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Fundamental reasons for using vapors for ALD rather than solutions

Atomic layer deposition (ALD) has been developed for many materials, as can be seen from this overview: However, a search for liquid phase ALD gives less results. ...
Paul Kolk's user avatar
4 votes
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Hydrolyse a fluorophosphonic compound / Which protective group strategy can I use for phosphonate esters to access the free acid after a reaction?

I have a synthetic problem in my PhD thesis, in which I synthesize a phosphonate ester. To be more precise, it is a phosphonofluoridic compound. In my specific case, the fluorine attached to the ...
raptorlane's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Mechanism of deprotection of enol thioether

I was reading some enolate chemistry from Carruthers textbook and came across the selective alkylation of unsymmetrical ketones. The reaction involves blocking one alpha-position of the ketone using ...
Cyclopropanol's user avatar