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22 votes
2 answers

pH probe bulb - what is happening within the glass?

I am trying to understand how the glass bulb of a pH electrode of a pH meter works - the glass bulb itself. Not the reference electrode or the rest of the electrode (HCl, Ag/AgCl wire, etc...), the ...
uhoh's user avatar
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Magnesium vs calcium vs barium ions from these 3 tests

How do I pick up the difference between barium, calcium, and magnesium ions? I had to do a quantitative analysis practical exam: I was given an aqueous solution of a salt, and when adding separately ...
PurpleMoneys89's user avatar
9 votes
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Why does Devarda's alloy include copper?

Devarda's alloy is used in the detection of nitrates. However, judging by the reaction equation, only aluminium plays the role of reducer: $$\ce{3NaNO3 + 8Al + 5NaOH + 18H2O -> 8Na[Al(OH)4] + 3NH3(...
CowperKettle's user avatar
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Why does phosphoric acid mask the colour of iron(III) complex in water?

In the redox titration of iron(III) with permanganate or dichromate, we use phosphoric(V) acid to "mask" the color of iron(III) because it interferes with the end point color change. What's the ...
user24665's user avatar
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Difference in calculated pH and the real pH of a phosphate buffer

I want to prepare a buffer system with $\mathrm{pH} = 7.00$ and a total concentration $c_\mathrm{tot} = \pu{0.10 mol l^-1}$ using sodium hydrogen phosphate $(\ce{Na2HPO4})$ and sodium dihydrogen ...
camibuidi's user avatar