
If Qc>Kc then there will be a net backward reaction but still forward reaction will take place. My problem is if Qc>Kc forward reaction will become non spontaneous right. So how can that happen, does it like the gibbs free energy which released during backward reaction absorbs by products for forward reaction?

  • 2
    $\begingroup$ Please define Qc and Kc $\endgroup$
    – Ian Bush
    Commented Jun 8, 2023 at 7:56
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Molecules do not know Qc/Kc ratio. nothing tells them "Now you can react." nor "Now you cannot." // Trolleybuses do not spontaneously climb uphill. Yet 2 or 3 ones going downhill can create by recuperation enough energy for one going uphill. $\endgroup$
    – Poutnik
    Commented Jun 8, 2023 at 9:10

1 Answer 1


A Graph

I haven't seen this graph anywhere, so I thought it would be interesting to draw it. Consider a simple reversible reaction:

$$ \ce{A <=>[k_\text{f}][k_\text{b}] B} $$

Time $\ce{[A]}$ $\ce{[B]}$
$0$ $1$ $0$
$t$ $1-\xi$ $\xi$
$t_\text{eq}$ $\dfrac{k_\text{b}}{k_\text{f}+k_\text{b}}$ $\dfrac{k_\text{f}}{k_\text{f}+k_\text{b}}$

Reaction quotient at time $t$ is defined as

$$ Q_\text{c} = \dfrac{\ce{[B]}}{\ce{[A]}}=\dfrac{\xi}{1-\xi} \tag{1} $$

Forward and backward rates at time $t$ are given by:

$$ R_\text{f} = k_\text{f}\ce{[A]} = k_\text{f}(1-\xi); R_\text{b} = k_\text{b}\xi \tag{2} $$

From Equations (1) and (2):

$$ R_\text{f} = \dfrac{k_\text{f}}{Q_\text{c}+1}; R_\text{b} = \dfrac{k_\text{b}Q_\text{c}}{Q_\text{c}+1} $$

reaction rate vs reaction quotient

You can play around with this interactive plot.

Some More Clarification

There is a reason we draw the double, forward-backward arrow in $\ce{A <=>[k_\text{f}][k_\text{b}] B}$: it shows that the reaction proceeds in both directions simultaneously.

  1. When $Q_\text{c}<K_\text{c}$, forward reaction rate is greater than backward reaction rate:

$$ \ce{A <=>>[k_\text{f}][k_\text{b}] B} $$

  1. When $Q_\text{c}>K_\text{c}$, backward reaction rate is greater than forward reaction rate:

$$ \ce{A <<=>[k_\text{f}][k_\text{b}] B} $$

Equilibrium Conditions

Equilibrium is achieved when forward and backward rates are equal:

$$ R_\text{f} = R_\text{b}\implies k_\text{f}\ce{[A]_\text{eq}} = k_\text{b}\ce{[B]_\text{eq}}\\ K_\text{c} = \dfrac{k_\text{f}}{k_\text{b}} = \dfrac{\ce{[B]_\text{eq}}}{\ce{[A]_\text{eq}}} $$

Free Energy

Since both processes are spontaneous, $\Delta G$ for both processes, from nonequilibrium state to the equilibriums state, is negative. Free energy is minimum at equilibrium.


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