
I really loved the series breaking bad. So I started reading about the science behind. I found this paper:

Harnisch, F., & Salthammer, T. (2013). Die Chemie bei Breaking Bad. In Chemie in unserer Zeit (Vol. 47, Issue 4, pp. 214–221). Wiley. https://doi.org/10.1002/ciuz.201300612

In Breaking Bad they used HF to dissolve a dead corpse. But in the scientific paper they say that it is not a good way to do it. They talk about some other chemicals, I can't remember them. But they also talked about NaOH.

In Dr. Stone they claim that sodium hydroxide is used to melt corpses by the Yakuza.

Reading a little on this topic I found a Wikipedia article. It is called Alkaline hydrolysis (body disposal). The article is about an alterntative method to burial or cremation. But there they use KOH.

I was just wondering: is there a scientific reason why they use KOH instead of NaOH?
