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Questions tagged [homework]

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47 votes
1 answer

How do I ask homework questions on Chemistry Stack Exchange?

Mainly copied from What is the policy on asking homework questions on Chemistry Stack Exchange? What kinds of questions are considered homework ...
13 votes
4 answers

Do we really need [homework]? [Part 3]

While we're on the topic of getting rid of tags, I would like to bring this up as a first step towards making a new closure policy. This has actually been discussed before. See: (1) Should we have a ...
orthocresol's user avatar
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28 votes
1 answer

Let's not close questions as homework except for blatantly obvious cases (at least for a while)

Overview There has been some concerns lately about whether we close too much. So we start giving leniency a chance. Scroll down to What we do to get to the fun part. Read the rest if you're interested....
M.A.R.'s user avatar
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16 votes
3 answers

Policy on AMIRITE questions

Intro Consider two likely scenarios: Q: How many grams of $\ce{O2}$ are there in one mole of oxygen gas? I know that O is 16, so it should be 16 grams, AMIRITE? Please halp ugrant kthxbye ...
M.A.R.'s user avatar
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26 votes
2 answers

Let's decide on what we should close as homework

The homework close reason is a thing I click on often these days. Recently, we're close-voting questions as homework that are from a broad range of scope. Unlike what's being seen in that screenshot, ...
M.A.R.'s user avatar
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17 votes
4 answers

How much effort is "enough" with homework problems? We would like to hear all ideas! (please)

We have a very good homework policy outlined for the site with some good and bad examples of homework problems. Over the last few weeks, there have been several cases when users have added a line or ...
jonsca's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Should we stop using the homework tag? [duplicate]

Related: Should we have a homework tag? Currently, our homework policy mentions: 4. Use the homework tag Use the homework tag on your question, in addition to any other tags that identify the ...
ManishEarth's user avatar
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19 votes
4 answers

Temporary Suspension of the Homework Close Reason (concluded)

Statistics and conclusion below. We have been struggling for a long time with the homework close reason. There are shortcomings to all approaches we have tried so far to change it. I believe one of ...
Martin - マーチン's user avatar
17 votes
4 answers

What *is* a 'homework question'?

This is going to be a bit of a long post, please bear with me. (And no TL;DR's ಠ_ಠ) A decaffeinating story Once upon a meta post, a legend from the realm of Manly soil rose and said: Let's ...
M.A.R.'s user avatar
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14 votes
5 answers

When is it safe to answer homework questions?

The current homework policies of Chemistry and Physics were adapted from the FAQ of Mathematics. The first rule about answering homework questions is: you do not provide a complete answer to homework ...
user avatar
18 votes
5 answers

Let's talk about effort, shall we?

I think the recent experiment of suspending the homework close reason has already produced a very valuable result. However, I really feared that this will happen, and I hope I can steer our thinking ...
Martin - マーチン's user avatar
16 votes
3 answers

Are we a bit overzealous with closing questions as homework?

As of this writing, this question has three close votes. As what? Of course as homework. I'm also seeing myself leaving questions open more often in the Reopen queue, and I'm one of the perpetrators ...
M.A.R.'s user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

Feedback on The Experiment

The experiment is over. Here are the stats, beautifully crafted with heavy MathJax with stats topping$^1$. Here's my take. Nothing really changed where we worried about change. You can play with this ...
M.A.R.'s user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Should we have a homework tag? [duplicate]

I'm not big in giving away answers for those doing homework, but I do think that questions with the "homework" tag on them cause, for me at least, a bias against the asker. This has been brought up ...
Melanie Shebel's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

Gaps to Fill Without a 'Homework' Close Reason -- Overview

I realize this 'homework' topic has been discussed before, tiringly so, but please Paddington with me. I'll try to attack it from a different angle. If you're not all caught up, check these previous ...
M.A.R.'s user avatar
  • 10.7k

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