
chat user since2010-12-10
last message51d ago
last seen4d ago
about I do games! She/her. Trans rights are human rights. Avatar is “Color drops” by Viccolatte.
parent user doppelgreener
118k 61 545 1016


Owner of these rooms

Not a bar, but plays one on TV

I'm not a place to unwind after work, but I play one on TV.
271d ago – V2Blast
Someone_Evil: 561d ago, 74 posts (0%)

Here There Be Dragons

For topics that should be opt-in, not opt-out. Please respect the room's purpose and treat it as a meeting room more than a casual general-purpose hangout. Good and respectful conduct is expected of all visitors, exactly as in the main chat.
245d ago – Joshua
Someone_Evil: 724d ago, 289 posts (2%)

Dice roller & formatting tests playgr

The roller supports: d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20. You can roll up to four sets of XdY using one of those dice, where X is up to 9. X defaults to 1, Y defaults to 6. / Roll 9d4 for caltrops! 🎲
75d ago – V2Blast

Fate chat and game room

Good questions raised here should hit the main site too! Fudge dice userscript:
1675d ago – doppelgreener

RPG.SE HNQ Worthy Questions

Post RPG.SE questions that seem HNQ worthy to you but aren't, for the purpose of feedback and tuning of the HNQ algorithm. Post the question link on its own. You can see if a question's been on the HNQ by checking its revision history.
1887d ago – V2Blast

Storium chat

Exactly what it says on the tin
2717d ago – Miniman

Darkesteth Soulseth

Souls and DARKNESS and bloodborne
2777d ago – doppelgreener

Collection of questions about support

Task room for gathering our questions on this topic.
2828d ago – Anaphory

Time And Relative Dimensions In Spoilers

The Chat Room of Rassilon: SPOILERS roam freely here.
3149d ago – RedRiderX

5e Deconstruction Room: Mk II

In which sticks are re-sharpened for deeper pokery.
3169d ago – doppelgreener

doppelgreener's spoil-lair

If you encounter a duplicate of yourself, walk away quietly, do not engage in hostilities lest you discover you were the duplicate
3221d ago – doppelgreener

Technoir dice calculations

Hashing out these weird things and anydicing them. For the question:
3265d ago – MrLemon

 D&D 5e Deconstruction

In which we poke 5e with sticks.
3286d ago – doppelgreener

Mad Max is very suitable for two-word

Spoilers! Like, a million of them. Maybe. Eventually. The story kind of spoiler.
3334d ago – sillyputty

Guild Wars 2 Spoilers

There's spoilers in here, and not the kind you'll find on dragons breaking mach 1 running speed.
3469d ago – Magician

Evaluating the purpose of the Rules a

A side discussion for seriously evaluating where the [rules-as-written] tag fits in, in a way we can't do it on meta. What's its purpose? What niche does it fill? Please keep the heat on low simmer at absolute maximum or you will be asked to stop and cool off.
3510d ago – Shalvenay
3998d ago – doppelgreener