Staatssekretariat für internationale Finanzfragen SIF

Staatssekretariat für internationale Finanzfragen SIF



Das Staatssekretariat für internationale Finanzfragen vertritt die Interessen der Schweiz in Finanz-, Währungs- und Steuerfragen sowohl gegenüber Partnerländern als auch in den zuständigen internationalen Gremien. Es engagiert sich für gute Rahmenbedingungen, damit die Schweiz über einen sicheren, wettbewerbsfähigen und weltweit anerkannten Finanz- und Unternehmensstandort verfügt. Das Staatssekretariat ist zudem zuständig für die Umsetzung der Finanzmarktpolitik des Bundesrats.

51–200 Beschäftigte


Beschäftigte von Staatssekretariat für internationale Finanzfragen SIF


  • Am Finanzdialog vom 4. Juli in Bern diskutierten die Schweiz und die EU unter Leitung von Staatssekretärin Daniela Stoffel und Generaldirektor John Berrigan wichtige Finanzthemen wie Finanzmarktstabilität, grenzüberschreitende Tätigkeiten, Kapitalmarkt, Digital Finance, Cybersicherheit, Sustainable Finance und Versicherungen. Die beiden Delegationen einigten sich zudem auf eine gemeinsame Erklärung über die Ergebnisse des Regulierungsdialogs im Finanzmarktbereich. --- At the Financial Dialogue in Bern on 4 July, Switzerland and the EU, led by State Secretary Daniela Stoffel and Director General John Berrigan, discussed key financial issues such as financial market stability, cross-border activities, capital markets, digital finance, cybersecurity, sustainable finance and insurance. The two delegations also agreed on a joint statement on the results of the regulatory dialogue in the financial sector. --- Lors du dialogue financier du 4 juillet à Berne, la CH et l'UE ont discuté, sous la direction de la secrétaire d'Etat Daniela Stoffel et du directeur général John Berrigan, de thèmes financiers importants tels que la stabilité du marché financier, les activités transfrontalières, le marché des capitaux, la finance numérique, la cybersécurité, la finance durable et les assurances. Les deux délégations se sont également mises d'accord sur une déclaration commune concernant les résultats du dialogue sur la réglementation dans le domaine des marchés financiers.

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  • The State Secretariat for International Finance participated in two roundtable debates at the Point Zero Forum in Zurich. The Green Fintech Network, which was launched at last year’s edition of the Point Zero Forum, now proudly consists of over 50 members. Yesterday, members and outsiders discussed challenges and methods for the transition to a more sustainable finance. The Network presented the Sustainability Reporting Value Chain, which helps Startups navigate data collection, the interpretation of the data and follow-up actions surrounding sustainability. Different perspectives enriched the discussion. The State Secretariat for International Finance representative emphasized their goal to increase transparency and comparability regarding sustainability. The goal is to create a simple but effective framework that is cost-effective for all participants. On the last day of the Point Zero Forum, another roundtable discussion took place, organized and moderated by the Swiss State Secretariat for International Finance. The panel debated how AI is revolutionizing the provision of financial services. The panel agreed that trust is a key factor for the banking segment, which can be strengthened or weakened with the use of AI. The integration of AI poses different challenges, like the question of where the responsibility for the AI is allocated, if employees or customers interact with the AI, which models and which generations of AI are used, and much more. The topic of regulation was also examined, where Switzerland is a successful example with its technology-neutral and principle-based approach to regulation.

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  • State Secretary Daniela Stoffel discussed with industry leaders at the Point Zero Forum in Zurich, how the collaboration in financial services between humans and machines can be navigated in the age of AI. Switzerland’s aim is to enable innovation by providing regulatory clarity. She underscored Switzerland's approach of evaluating the need for new regulations carefully, considering future chances and intervening only where needed. Federal Department of Finance FDF

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  • State Secretary Daniela Stoffel emphasised the importance of innovative ideas for the future of Switzerland as a financial centre SwissHacks, which was held for the first time from 28-30 June 2024 in Zurich. Over three days, around 150 hackers developed solutions for specific problems in the areas of payment transactions, sustainable financial services and combating fraud. The event was organised by the Swiss Financial Innovation Desk FIND and @Tenity. The winning teams will be able to present themselves to an international audience of experts at the Point Zero Forum in Zurich on 3 July. The award ceremony was framed by an alphorn performance, among other things, as a reference to the Swiss National Costume Festival taking place in Zurich at the same time.

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  • Today, Switzerland and the United States signed a new FATCA agreement in Bern. Switzerland currently provides financial account data to the United States on a unilateral basis. In the future, it will also receive corresponding information from the United States within the framework of an automatic exchange of information. The change of model is expected to apply from 2027. The agreement was signed by Ambassador Nicole Krenger, Head of the Tax Division at the Swiss Staatssekretariat für internationale Finanzfragen SIF, and US Ambassador Scott C. Miller. This agreement strengthens the relationship between the two countries by reducing burdens on financial institutions while increasing transparency.

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  • Im Rahmen ihres fünften Finanzdialogs am 20. Juni 2024 in Zürich tauschten sich die Delegationen der Schweiz und Saudi-Arabiens unter der Leitung von Staatssekretärin Daniela Stoffel bzw. Vize-Finanzminister Khalid A. Bawazier über ihre jeweilige Einschätzung der Weltwirtschaftslage aus und thematisierten unter anderem die zunehmende globale Verschuldung, die Reform der globalen Finanzinstitutionen sowie aktuelle Entwicklungen in der Finanzmarktregulierung und -aufsicht. Bilaterale Themen im Banken- und Versicherungswesen sowie Sustainable bzw. Digital Finance waren ebenfalls Gegenstand der Diskussionen. Eidgenössisches Finanzdepartement EFD

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  • On 19 June 2024, the Swiss Federal Council was informed by the Federal Department of Finance (FDF) about the most recent open finance developments in Switzerland. The latest advances made by the industry are considered sufficient at this time, so that there is no need for further regulatory measures to be proposed. The FDF will continue to closely monitor developments in the financial sector as a whole based on the targets set by the Federal Council in December 2022. Open finance refers to the practice of financial institutions using standardised and secure interfaces to make financial data available to other financial service providers such as fintechs, insurance companies and banks at the request of clients. In this way, clients can benefit from new, innovative products. It would be possible to create an overview of all bank accounts, investments and retirement assets or calculate the carbon footprint of financial investments, for example, at the click of a button.

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  • Der Bundesrat hat am 19. Juni 2024 die neuen Selbstregulierungen der Finanzbranche gegen Greenwashing zur Kenntnis genommen. Diese stellen einen Fortschritt in der Umsetzung der Position des Bundesrates zur Verhinderung von Greenwashing im Finanzbereich dar. Der Bundesrat wird weitere staatliche Vorschriften unter Berücksichtigung der laufenden regulatorischen Entwicklungen in der Europäischen Union prüfen.

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