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You are different, you are unique, and it gives us energy! We draw our strength from the uniqueness of every employee. So, be yourself – the others are already taken! The global TotalEnergies community is multicultural by nature, made up of close to 170 nationalities in some 120 countries. We are open to all talents, regardless of origin, background, age, gender, sexual orientation, beliefs, disabilities, etc. TotalEnergies offers equal opportunity, with no discrimination.

We welcome your difference

Diversity is our strength and one of the keys to our success. It is the multitude of your skills, acquired in various settings, that has allowed us to meet and surpass all sorts of challenges in the past and present. Feminization and internationalization of our teams is encouraged at all levels of our organization, and in all professions, both in hiring and all along our career paths. This policy is supported at the highest level and promoted by the Diversity & Inclusion Council which is chaired by a member of the Company's Executive Committee.

Diversity and internationalization in action

Evolution of internationalization:

Change in the percentage of non-French nationals among senior management:

32% in 2018.

36,3% in 2023.

40% in objective.

Change in the percentage of non-French nationals among senior executives:

32,1% in 2018.

37,7% in 2023.

45% in objective.



Evolution of the gender mix.

Increase the percentage of women among senior management:

19,2% in 2018.

25,1% in 2023.

30% targeted for 2025.

Increase the percentage of women among senior executives:

21,6% in 2018.

28,3% in 2023.

30% targeted for 2025.

Committed to gender equality

By 2023, 25% of our Executive Committee members will be women, while 28% of managers and 25% of senior executives will be women. To break the glass ceiling, we are expanding the number of women at all levels of the Company by ensuring that the same proportion of women and men with the same qualifications and experience are promoted. In hiring, we are aiming for parity among managers, with a special focus on increasing the number of women in our technical and business professions.

We are committed to complying with the principle of equal professional opportunities and wages for women and men. In 2010, TotalEnergies signed the Women’s Empowerment Principles – Equality Means Business defined by the United Nations Global Compact. TotalEnergies has also made a pledge at the World Economic Forum by signing the appeal Closing the Gender Gap – a Call to Action.

Women of Tomorrow - Magali, VP strategy Exploration & Production

The TWICE network

In 2006, an employee took the initiative to create our international TotalEnergies Women’s Initiative for Communication and Exchange (TWICE) network.  With 5,000 members today, TWICE actively contributes to the development of gender diversity. Its goal is to promote the development of women within the Company, particularly towards management roles, and assist them in their career development. A mentoring program operates internationally to help women gain insight into key phases of their career. More than 2,800 women have already taken part in the program. Since 2018, the TWICE@Digital initiative has connected women working in digital professions in the Company, and raised awareness of digital technology, so that everyone can learn about the transformations under way and the impacts on their professions.

Abroad on board

It's in our DNA: With operations in close to 120 countries and a workforce made up of 170 nationalities, our teams are international and very culturally diverse. In 2023, more than 85% of the people recruited by our company and more than 65% of the managers hired will be non-French. The same applies to 38% of our senior managers and 36% of our senior executives. We have taken many tangible measures to promote this internationalization, including specific courses, integration and personal development training organized in our major regional hubs, such as Houston, Johannesburg and Singapore, and expatriate postings for nearly 3,000 employees, representing more than 100 nationalities, in some 100 countries.

Included all together!

Diversity means “being invited to the dance”. Inclusion, even better, means “dancing together”! We recognize the uniqueness of everyone by promoting a work environment in which you can feel free to be yourself. No need to hide your country of origin, roots, socio-economic status, gender, age, sexual orientation, religion, political opinions, etc. Expressing your individuality allows others to express theirs, with mutual respect. We are committed to building a workplace where everyone feels included, respected, and valued, without leaving anyone behind – meaning, that you can simply focus your energy on giving your best.

Inclusion doesn't just happen, it has to be cultivated. That's why we raise awareness and train our employees and managers to change mindsets and encourage open-mindedness. One way we do this is with our Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) Days organized all around the world and in 2023, we continued a major initiative called Inclusion Talks around a wide range of themes: LGBTQIA+, unconscious prejudice, domestic violence, inclusive management... Our recruitment teams are also trained to practice non-discrimination and recognize unconscious bias.

Difference = tolerance.

We provide a practical guide to all employees in ten languages that explains religious traditions and promotes tolerance towards different beliefs in an everyday environment. We also raise employee awareness about non-discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender equality. In France, the Company reaffirmed its commitment in 2023 by re-signing the LGBT+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) Charter of Commitment of the association L'Autre Cercle, which sets out a framework for combating discrimination in the workplace.

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