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Questions tagged [staking]

Delegating ADA to a stake pool to earn rewards

6 votes
4 answers

Undelegate stake with Daedalus wallet

How do I undelegate (unstake) with Daedalus wallet to receive my 2 ADA deposit back. I remember used to be an option but it seem I can no longer find it. Is there is any way without actually using ...
Donni's user avatar
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Why do Daedalus Rewards Report Epoch End Dates differ from other sources?

So I exported my latest rewards report to CSV, as Daedalus allows. The date on the report is April 30, 2021. If I query the blockchain for my rewards history, the latest rewards I have received are ...
desolate_mountain's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How is the active stake of a stake pool calculated?

This question is related to my previous question: When are the snapshots for the active stake in an epoch taken? The active stake of a pool is used to calculate the rewards. What kind of system ...
eddex's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Are Single stakepools losing?

Epoch 315 statistics based on Daedalus-ranking Epoch 315 numbers for the k500 pools in daedalus: From the total 500 ranked pools, 340 are multipools, 160 are single stakepools. In the first 10 ranked ...
TITW_STAKEPOOL's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Can you stake stablecoins such as Djed?

Can or will you be able to stake Cardano stablecoins in stake pools for rewards, such as Djed?
TheStophe's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

When are the snapshots for the active stake in an epoch taken?

A stake pool always has an "active stake" and a "live stake". "Active stake" refers to the amount of ADA that is used for rewards calculation in the current epoch. "...
eddex's user avatar
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How to stake NFT without locking?

I am developing NFT staking platform. And I want not to lock the NFT while it is staked. (Users can move their NFTs at anytime) But to do so, I have some problems. How to calculate the rewards for ...
Firing Dev's user avatar