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"The second data argument, does not decode to a context" when minting NFT with Mesh

This my script for minting NFT: {-# INLINABLE mkPolicy #-} mkPolicy :: BuiltinData -> PlutusV2.ScriptContext -> Bool mkPolicy _ ctx = traceIfFalse "wrong amount minted" checkNFTAmount ...
Daniel Ng's user avatar
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Is there a way to see which Plutus code is deployed on a specific script address?

On Ethereum, for example, there is a way to see the Solidity code that is deployed in a specific address (as long as the code gets verified). Is there a way to achieve this same behaviour in Cardano?
Falcon Stakepool's user avatar
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Whats Your Mental Model For Monads?

I was asked by a friend trying to learn plutus what a monad was, so I began talking about category theory. It seems that this confused him further how would you explain monads to a noob? Whats your ...
KryptoKing's user avatar
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"'Inputs do not conform to this spec or are otherwise invalid.'" - extract balance from smart contract

I'm implementing a smart-contract in Plutus and I'm with a doubt. For example, Ethereum has some function only to owners, that enables to implement a withdraw of balance for only owner addresses. I ...
pprs's user avatar
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Whats the Diffrance between Plutus scripts and Cardano Native Scripts?

What are the key differences between Cardano native scripts and Plutus scripts, from a developer's perspective?
KryptoKing's user avatar
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checkDeadline function always returning False

I am trying to make a minting policy that fails after a certain deadline. I have tried something like this {-# INLINABLE mkTokenPolicy #-} mkTokenPolicy :: TxOutRef -> TokenName -> Integer -> ...
brightman11's user avatar
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How to get the address which locked the fund on a smart contract?

I have two users. The first user locks 1 ADA with a Datum at a script address. The second one unlocks the 1 ADA with the same Datum and should now send 5 ADA to user one. Can I now implement a logic ...
John_Bones's user avatar
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Plutus script execution at every end of epoch

I would like to develop a Plutus script that executes each time an epoch ends. What's the best way to achieve this behaviour?
Falcon Stakepool's user avatar
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1 answer

How to split transaction into many different UTXOs?

Let's image I want to create a Plutus script, which takes Value as a parameter (ADA or any other coin with specific amount), and locks this value at script's output. How can I split this value into ...
serx's user avatar
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Weird behavior on validation of outputs

So I have a validator that, in particular, checks how many outputs are produced. os = txInfoOutputs info mkValidator :: ... mkValidator = traceIfFalse "Wrong outputs" checkOutput where ...
Alain Magazin's user avatar