I want to get the staking balance and reward in Cardano. I am using the Blockfrost API and I can get the staking and reward amount using the stake address.

However, what I don't understand is that the staking address is not unique for each address. One staking address is associated with several wallet addresses. So, I can't get the exact stake and reward amount for a selected wallet. I can only get them for the selected stake address.

Could anyone explain this to me?

1 Answer 1


staking is address is not unique for each address.

Correct, all addresses for a single wallet will have the same staking address.

One staking address is associated with several wallet addresses.

I do not think that can happen.

Each wallet can have more than one address, but the stake address component for all addresses in a single wallet will be identical.

  • I don't understand, Each wallet can have more than one address. Is it possible? Could you explain in detail?
    – Heindrick
    Commented Jan 4, 2023 at 19:06
  • 1
    Oh, sorry, I just realized, my wallet can has several addresses. Now, I understand. Thank you.
    – Heindrick
    Commented Jan 4, 2023 at 19:08
  • Hi, I have one question. Is there lock for staking balance in cardano?
    – Heindrick
    Commented Jan 4, 2023 at 20:14
  • Lock? Sorry, not sure what you mean. Commented Jan 4, 2023 at 21:46
  • And standard "address" in a wallet is made up of two components; the stake address and the payment credentials. All addresses in a wallet will have the same stake address. Commented Jan 4, 2023 at 21:47

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