I have generate a transaction using cardano-cli and I am trying to get Nami wallet to sign the transaction.

The command to build the transaction

cardano-cli transaction build-raw
--fee 0
--tx-in $browserTxHash#$browserTxIx
--tx-out ${desktopAddress}+5000000
--tx-out ${browserAddress}+10000000
--out-file transaction.raw

Which writes the following to the file "transaction.raw"

{ "type": "TxBodyAlonzo", "description": "", "cborHex": "86a50081825820e34a60ee397dee115b75379af692962dabc085bed002fc0371e578ebd27acd62000d80018282581d60bf1466152d256eb5e8b490c5febc029593f0e9a5b9ee270d75ba35491a004c4b4082583900d9cdd3ead63bd0db91bd83cfa9f3d588bb05a3fb487d5eb62946672cbfcbf21db7267631bbd23f1b8744b9491088eda66ba2ec0e7d2d98841a0098968002000e809fff8080f5f6" }

I then tried using the CIP-30 based javascript command with nami in the chrome console to request a transaction signature with the command

namiAPI.signTx("86a50081825820e34a60ee397dee115b75379af692962dabc085bed002fc0371e578ebd27acd62000d80018282581d60bf1466152d256eb5e8b490c5febc029593f0e9a5b9ee270d75ba35491a004c4b4082583900d9cdd3ead63bd0db91bd83cfa9f3d588bb05a3fb487d5eb62946672cbfcbf21db7267631bbd23f1b8744b9491088eda66ba2ec0e7d2d98841a0098968002000e809fff8080f5f6", partialSign=true)

However, I get an error: "Inputs do not conform to this spec or are otherwise invalid."

The CIP-30 spec from https://github.com/cardano-foundation/CIPs/tree/master/CIP-0030 is as follows:

api.signTx(tx: cbor, partialSign: bool = false): Promise<cbor<transaction_witness_set>>

I am passing a cbor encoded string (I think), so why is this not working/what should that input look like?

  • Typhon Wallet Dapp connector is an alternative to CIP-0030 standard where You don't need to build transactions in the backend with Cardano CLI or build transactions in front-end application after fetching UTXOs. cardano.stackexchange.com/a/7658/117 Commented Mar 30, 2022 at 3:21
  • i am at the same point, did you figure out what is wrong?
    – wutzebaer
    Commented Jul 6, 2022 at 19:38

1 Answer 1


You were on the right track, the key is to add --cddl-format to the build command

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