With cardano-wallet or cardano-cli I can combine transactions (= a transaction with more than two outputs).

Is something similar possible with wallets like Yoroi, Daedalus etc.?


I want to send 20 ADA to address1 and 30 ADA to address2 from my wallet in one transaction.

1 Answer 1


Short Answer: No

Long Answer: Pretty sure no, at least not yet.

In the technical flow section, there is a note explicitly stating that it is not possible.


cardano-cli is where its at :)

  • Your example has two inputs (two different wallets) and one output. I mean the other way around...one input (one wallet!) with two outputs (two different wallets). Commented Nov 10, 2021 at 19:55
  • 1
    My apologies. I misread the question, On first glance, I can't seem to find any technical documentation explicitly stating that multiple Tx outputs is not possible, but as I'm sure you've also tried, I cannot find such an option on either Daedalus or Yoroi. I'm sure this feature will be implemented in the future, as it seems easier to implement 1 -> n than n -> 1
    – zhekson
    Commented Nov 10, 2021 at 20:02

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