Open Bug 1859540 Opened 9 months ago Updated 9 months ago

Accessibility Tools Contrast doesn't clearly indicate that selection highlighting is factoring into the calculation


(DevTools :: Accessibility Tools, enhancement, P3)

Firefox 118


(Not tracked)


(Reporter: obara.justin, Unassigned)



(1 file)

Thank you for helping make Firefox better. If you are reporting a defect, please complete the following:

What were you doing?

Please tell us what site you were on, and what steps led to the error you are reporting

  1. Select some text
  2. Right click and trigger "Inspect Accessibility Properties"
  3. Notice the contrast ratio
  4. Clear selection
  5. Right click and trigger "Inspect Accessibility Properties"
  6. Notice the different contrast ratio

What happened?

The contrast ratio factors in the selection highlighting into the calculation.

What should have happened?

It is useful to know the contrast ratio between the foreground and background when there is selection highlighting present. However, it would be helpful to indicate that this is what's happening. It can be confusing especially for small pieces of text it may not be clear that there was a selection applied when checking as the Accessibility inspector also adds it's own highlighting.

Severity: -- → S3
Type: enhancement → defect
Priority: -- → P2

We shouldn't make it part of the computation in the first place, we should fix this

@nchevobbe thanks for looking at this. It is possible to style the selection, so there is a use case for wanting to see the contrast ratio in that state. However, it would help to better indicate what is happening, or maybe show the calculations for both selected and unselected states at the same time.

ah right, I was confused and thought there was another issue, let's keep it as enhancement then

Type: defect → enhancement
Priority: P2 → P3
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