Open Bug 1828513 Opened 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

[a11y] Accessible name for Show Tabs button does not include number of tabs (it’s visual label)


(Firefox for iOS :: Menu and Toolbar, defect)





(Reporter: ayeddi, Unassigned, NeedInfo)


(Keywords: access)


(1 file)

Attached image Show-tabs-button.jpeg


  1. Open Firefox for iOS
  2. Using VoiceOver navigate to the toolbar and review the “Show Tabs” button
  3. Using Voice Control attempt to activate it using label name as a command: “Tap {number of tabs from the on-screen label}”


  1. VoiceOver would name the control as “Show tabs, {37}”
  2. Voice Control activated the button by calling it’s label: “Tap {37}” (as well as “Tab Show Tabs”)


  1. VO: “Show tabs”
  2. VC does not react when the on-screen number of tabs is called as a label.

On-screen labels should be included in the accessible name of controls, because it would create equal experience for all users. Users with limited dexterity who rely on speech-to-text technology would not know what is the label of the control, until they call “Show names” or use the tap grid which is cumbersome; they would need to either memorize this label or check names every time they want to use the control while sighted users who can tap the screen would not need these extra steps. Including on-screen label in the accessible name would also help users of VoiceOver to receive sighted assistance as both would receive the same label visually and from the screen reader. Users with cognitive difficulties will have a clear indication that the on-screen “37” button is linked/the same as the “Show tabs, 37” one.

Keywords: access

The severity field is not set for this bug.
:jeevans, could you have a look please?

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Flags: needinfo?(jeevans)
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