Open Bug 1692152 Opened 4 years ago Updated 3 years ago

Accessibility - Show Tabbing Order - Tab-order Indicators jump around if on fixed-position elements


(DevTools :: Accessibility Tools, defect, P3)



(firefox86 affected, firefox87 affected)

Tracking Status
firefox86 --- affected
firefox87 --- affected


(Reporter: cfogel, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)



(1 file)

Affected versions

  • 87.0a1(2020-02-09), 86.0b8;

Affected platforms

  • macOS 11.0, Windows 10;

Steps to reproduce

  1. Launch Firefox, access this link or any other page with fixed elements
  2. Open DevTools, click on the Accessibility tab;
  3. Enable [Show Tabbing Order];
  4. Scroll up-down inside the page;

Expected result

  • tab order indicators remain in place for fixed elements while scrolling;

Actual result

  • some fixed elements cause the tab-indicator to jump up-down;

Regression range

  • not a regression, visible with implementation of 1654956;
  • First bad: 2020-11-04;
  • Last good: 2002-11-03;
  • Pushlog: URL;

Additional notes

  • attached recording to illustrate the issue.
Has STR: --- → yes

I can see the "jumping" issue on my machine.

Could this be caused by APZ (async rendering of the indicators)?


Priority: -- → P3
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