Open Bug 1669200 Opened 4 years ago Updated 3 years ago

Expose the value of aria-expanded in the panel


(DevTools :: Accessibility Tools, enhancement)



(Not tracked)


(Reporter: julienw, Unassigned)


I noticed while working on the profiler that the attribute aria-expanded wasn't exposed in the accessibility panel. This would be useful to have an idea of how an assistive technology user will get this information.


@Julian, thank you for the report!

Sorry for the delay.
Can you please provide some STRs, so we can try this on our machines?


Flags: needinfo?(felash)

Hey Jan,

I'm testing this with [1] for example, with the tree at the bottom of the view. Or [2] with the button "load a profile from a URL".

Now I see that the "expanded" state is actually exposed in the "states" object when inspecting this specific element. I wonder if this could be useful to have it more visible on the left side too...

On a side note, is it expected that the tree is shown as 'role=outline' and treeitems as 'role=outlineitems' in the accessibility panel?

Flags: needinfo?(felash)
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