Open Bug 1640297 Opened 4 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Idea: Shorten "Inspect Accessibility Properties" menu item label to "Inspect Accessibility"


(DevTools :: Accessibility Tools, enhancement)



(Not tracked)


(Reporter: victoria, Unassigned)



(2 files)

  • I think "Inspect Accessibility" seems a bit more accurate, since this leads to the inspection of multiple Accessibility factors such as the checks and position in the tree, not just the current element's properties
  • Right now, "Inspect Accessibility Properties" is the longest item, which stretches the menu wider and makes it look more prominent than necessary
Attached image a11y-props.png

@Victoria, is this in regards to this option in the inspector when right-clicking elements or is it some other menu?

Flags: needinfo?(victoria)
Attached image MacOS contextual menu

I was actually referring to the contextual menu seen when right-clicking on a website. My thinking is that since this menu is seen by a lot of users who might just be using Copy/Paste, it seems worth finding a way to make that one label more concise because it's so much longer than the others. And I think Inspect Accessibility has roughly the same meaning. (Edit: usually more pronounced when you right click without selecting text as in my screenshot)

Flags: needinfo?(victoria)
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