Open Bug 1509115 Opened 6 years ago Updated 2 years ago

ID or label would be needed for go back button in new Library panels


(Firefox for iOS :: Build & Test, enhancement, P3)




Tracking Status
fxios + ---


(Reporter: isabel_rios, Unassigned)



(2 files)

When being in Sync Devices or Recently closed menu inside History, there is a History button to go back to History panel, this button does not have label or ID.
Same for Bookmark option to go back while being in a folder inside Bookmark panel.

For XCUITests, recording the test is possible to get this button but its form it's not very nice:
app.children(matching: .window).element(boundBy: 0).children(matching: .other).element.children(matching: .other).element.children(matching: .other).element.children(matching: .other).element.children(matching: .other).element.children(matching: .other).element(boundBy: 0).children(matching: .other).element.children(matching: .other).element.children(matching: .other).element.children(matching: .other).element.children(matching: .button).element

For UITests the only option found so far is to use coordinates. That would work for certain sims where we run the tests by default. But the specific tests will not work on all devices.

Please see screenshots for the buttons referred in this bug.
Attached image Bookmarks.png
The acc.ID for History button to go back from recently closed menu has been added but not the acc.ID for Bookmarks. That would be missing and still a nice to have so that we do not have to use coordinates in the UITests which will make the affected tests depend on the simulator used.

Note that the behavior has changed and when visiting this "second level" (i.e: Recently closed) menu once and going back to the app, it stays there and this menu is shown whereas before, the "first level"(History panel) menu was shown.
Priority: -- → P3
Severity: normal → S3
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