Open Bug 1453300 Opened 6 years ago Updated 2 years ago

The overlay for enabling "Accessibility" is not displayed after re-opening a closed, undocked Web Console


(DevTools :: Accessibility Tools, defect, P3)

61 Branch


(firefox61 affected)

Tracking Status
firefox61 --- affected


(Reporter: tbabos, Unassigned)



(1 file)

Attached video Video of the issue
[Affected versions]:
Latest Nightly 61.0a1, Build ID: 20180410220129

[Affected Platforms]:
Windows 7 x64; Windows 10 x64

- Accesibility tab is opened, undocked and enabled 

[Steps to reproduce]:
1. Click on the "X" button form the right side of the undocked Web console
2. Re-open the Web Console using the "Ctrl" + "Shift" + "k" keys shortcut
3. Click on the "Accessibility" tab 

[Expected result]:
1. The "Console" tab should be focused after re-opening the Web Console.
2. The overlay for enabling Accessibility should be displayed after selecting the "Accessibility" tab.

[Actual result]:
1. The overlay for enabling the mentioned feature is not displayed, since "Accessibility" is enabled by default.

The issue is intermitent.
This is a known behaviour/issue. Accessibility service does not shut down automatically when the tool is closed. It does however try to get shutdown after the Garbage collection cycle if nothing holds any references to accessible objects in the browser (e.g. all accessibility panels are closed in all tabs/windows). At this time, we can't force disable accessibility when the Dev Tools toolbox gets closed because we are not aware of other instances in other tabs/windows.

Potential fix would require some sort of tracking of all tabs/windows with DevTools opened and a11y panel running. I would consider making this bug a WONTFIX, or puting it in backlog and removing it from the high priority bugs.
Flags: needinfo?(timea.babos)
Putting this in backlog and removing it from the high priority bugs sounds reasonably from QA point of view. 
I could not say that this issue highly affects feature's functionality. We raised this issue because the disabling behaviour didn't match the expected one but is Eng decision if this will be fixed or not in this situation.
Flags: needinfo?(timea.babos)
Product: Firefox → DevTools
Priority: -- → P3
Severity: normal → S3
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