Open Bug 1453005 Opened 6 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Text selection does not highlight the entire row in all the columns of the Accessibility tool


(DevTools :: Accessibility Tools, defect, P3)

61 Branch


(firefox61 affected)

Tracking Status
firefox61 --- affected


(Reporter: tbabos, Unassigned)



(1 file)

Attached image Screenshot of the issue
[Affected versions]:
Latest Nightly 61.0a1, Build ID: 20180410100115

[Affected Platforms]:
Windows 10 x64; Intel Mac OS X 10.13 

- Accesibility tab is opened and enabled

[Steps to reproduce]:
1. Select any row from Role, Name or Properties column
2. Click and drag the arrow pointer on a different item's text
3. Release the click button

[Expected result]:
1. The entire row where the dragging process tooks place should be highlighted.
2. The previous selected row should be un-selected.

[Actual result]:
1. The row where the characters where highlighted is not selected after releasing the click button.
2. The previous selected row is still highlighted 

The issue could be reproduced in all the mentioned panels on Window 7 x64, however on Intel Mac OS X 10.13 is reproducible only in the Role panel.
Product: Firefox → DevTools
Priority: -- → P3
Severity: normal → S3
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